Hates harem so much and fk y’all who likes harem so damn much this site is like harem central, all you see is harem😒 I also hate r- 18 to much thrusting scenes and ruins the fun
de leitura
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I bet If it was a guy he would have been uninterested and cautious or reject him
at least not within like 10 chapters
... stupid
Not suprised with another stupid mc in a cultivation novel, Why do I even bother
So is the skill that was infused into his brain useless or what
I think ceno should be a multiverse level being
Sigh more harem should have expected. i didnt come here to wet my pants so good luck. if it was a small harem then id give it a try
Will the mc be weak and have to rely on a host to get stronger or is his base form strong. if you get to thanos and dont drop by them will the mc be stronger than thor and other heroes like you said in his base form without having to rely on someone and just himself or will he have to get a host to be stronger than said thor and have to rely on someone to have power
I can’t read anymore this ***** herellia is annoying and after threatening mc he’s like I’m trust you and be your friend tells her everything