I’m human.
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I mentioned both just in case but it seems that wasn't good enough and you wanted to ride me into oblivion for no reason. I mentioned both things, that is a fact. You can go back and read the comment, anything you say afterwards is a matter of opinion and personal belief instead of a fact. So don't behave as if you're correct.
I said I don't have a proper handle on the noble ways, in reference to medieval etiquette and what not. Get off that horse you're riding.
a year late but idk genocide is something in common with a mustache wearing Germannnn sooooo
brother if he can't win he should just pack it up and let captain marvel get folded by thanos instead
I might skip to chapter 500 to see if the writing changed
this was 4 years ago so I gotta ask. Does he change at all? Does the writing get better? I'm only reading because I am hoping that the author improves his writing in these 300+ chapters
did it continue being cringe?
End game hero? This whole thing is a multiversal story. Superman wouldn't even scratch endgame unless you bring out the op comic feats. it all depends on which Superman you're talking about. Gilgamesh is just idk.. so boring. I know people are down bad for him and thinks he is cool. But he is lowkey so tiring at this point. Superman in my opinion is a much better option and once Law combines all the Fev, Shimmer and what not he will be very strong. But with Superman he will still need to put up a fight. Law isn't a brute so he wouldn't be trying to go band for band with Superman in a contest of pure physical might unless he wants to test out his new strength.
Superman is literally the better option if you take into account Laws backstory. Remember? Finding the perfect hero? Superman is basically everything Law wanted Homelander to be plus way more.