

2019-12-29 UnidoUnited States



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Death Countdown

In a world where parasitic entities from Hell run rampant among the human world, there's a group called the Exorcist Bureau who is tasked with defending humanity against the residents of Hell. These parasites are commonly known as Akuma, and these beings feed off negative human emotions. The beings grant special abilities to their human hosts, who can use them at will. Many of those fused with Akuma join the Exorcist Bureau, but once an Akuma completely takes over the host's body, it's called an Akumai, and the Bureau takes steps to make sure the Akumai doesn't run rampant. Akumai's only goal in taking control of their target is to feed on others, and their power grows with every victim. Because of the great threat Akumai pose, the Bureau created their own specialized unit called the Ex Hunters, specially trained Exorcists tasked with tracking Akumai and destroying them. Levi Goldvein is the last of the main branch of the Goldvein family, a notorious family line known for producing powerful Exorcists. But rather than close combat or Spirit Weapons, Levi chose to become a Tamer. However, unknown to all but himself, his Familiar was none other than the First-Rank Titled Grim Reaper, the strongest being in Hell other than Lucifer himself. During one of Levi's freelance requests, something goes strangely wrong, and both Levi and his Reaper are confronted by the Exorcist Bureau. They're requested to join the Bureau's elite Squadron, the Ex Hunters, in order to combat the sudden increase of Akuma and Akumai. The Reaper wanted to refuse, but followed Levi's decision, though she had a few conditions they had to keep. One: They must never know I am a Reaper. Two: They must never know the name from my past life. Three: Levi must never meet the Chief Exorcist. These conditions confused Levi, and started raising questions that would have been better never answered. Who are you? How do you know the Exorcist Bureau? Why are you a Reaper? Levi and his Familiar must continue down the path they chose, a winding, dark path full of lies, secrets, heartbreak, murder, and fragile, pure love.

LifeInShadow · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Amora of Artemesa -- Breaking

Artemesa is run by a fierce hierarchy. Only those with political power or powerful Amora can live comfortable lives. Those who don't have noble titles or low-tier Amora are trampled under the feet of the strong, especially the Royals. The hierarchy dominates not only Artemesa as a whole, but even individual workplaces or households. At the Fifteen Diamonds of Artemesa, that holds doubly true. The Fifteen are known as school for the elite and privileged. And the Royals at Luminine, one of the Fifteen, were seven of the strongest Amora users in the world. They were known as God-tiers. The King and the Jacks were known as the Cadre of Luminine. The Cadre was led by an extremely powerful individual, known as the Queen. Her given name was Asha, her official last name unknown. Asha was granted a noble title by the King, and was known as his Watchdog, his Sword, the piece he could move secretly and freely in the shadows. - In this first book, the Cadre is hit by a sudden insight into Asha's past. While it's not everything, it's more than they'd ever known about her before. A mysterious girl dressed all in black with skeletal wings appears on the scene, just as Asha leaves it. During the Interschool Tournament, a dark horse appears and threatens to take down everything Asha sought to keep safe. The Cadre were forcefully dragged into Asha's personal life, one they found to be much more dangerous than they thought. And while the Cadre and their Queen are away from the school, a war breaks out between the Fifteen Diamonds. Asha must protect the school, her cadre, her plans, at herself all at once. She seems to be fighting a three-fronted war against the monster inside her, her brother’s plans, and another puppet master behind a more sinister plot. - This book is about Asha's Breaking

LifeInShadow · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs