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I mean he actually hid all the bad stuff from her so that she was not exposed to it to much and thought he was a good guy because of it. It may have all been an act but it could have been way worse for her.
Same, Coiling Dragon got me into Chinese novels and then I read the author's other works.
I know but the raw has her actual name.
I know but the raw has her real name not the title.
Translator I think you are mistranslating the name of the girl with two colored hair. It should be Zesshi Zetsumei.
HAHAHAHA!!! Their plans are about to burn to the ground.
Shalltears personal Nail Clipper.
Of course the idiot has to escape.
Was kind of hoping Yasaka would join the harem. She is literally in the top 3 hotties in that world.