Sorry guys! I'm struck in a family emergency, possibly won't be able to update this week too. But surly I'll try to update afterwards. Thanks for understanding...
Here only...dear!!! Sorry for the wait...still in the process of writing... you'll have mass release of at least 10 chapter tomorrow or day after that.❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤
Hmm...interesting conclusion!
But Lu Jianju isn't reborn. He'd only known of it yet the real climax is still there. I don't know if my writing is good enough to make the justification or not...but there only two characters who are reborn in this story. The one is FL and the other comes under villain category. In the upcoming chapters, the other reborn will be revealed.
Hope it makes a few things clear!!And thanks for keep reading...❤🧡💛💛💙💜🖤