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So mary loves other children as well but will always shortchanged them for alex
Why is heroes family not very rich
Every chapter is telling their emotional journey. If they are gonna get together they have to go this phase of geting together other than intimacy. The chapter upload reate is very slow. If this keeps on the novel may finish in 4 to 5 months
Adrain and christines moments are building up.
I fel like qin yue is the real daughter and not su qing from Su qings words she said to qin shoamin at hospital
This is my first time reading a story wherer heroine is older. Only sime chapters have been uploaded. Definitely worth the read as bith the charachters are interesting
The start was good and the story is interesting but the chaptrs being uploaded are messed dont know of what novels
Good boy🫶
He was later punished by his gransfather for a ling tume continuously