


Im a tuna can... that writes... pretty self explanatory!

2018-12-23 UnidoGlobal



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The Beast Tyrant: Embers of A Beginning

The soul of a creature with a body so strong that even deities couldn't break it is finally dissipating from old wounds. Yet, it will not take death laying down, with it's last ounce of strength the mighty beast grabs a soul with no memories to replace it. Using its power to have the new healthy soul occupy its body was an act which lit the embers of a fire which would forge gods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello, Typically White Guy with a computer here or as I go by here TheWritingTunaCan. Now, before you start to imagine what a tuna can would look like with a pencil or on a keyboard few things to note about the story! 1) As will you see early on this is my first time writing so I apologies, but I'm not J.R.R. Tolkien. So please deal with me and give any advice you can. I would prefer you comment in and helpful way instead of just insults but if that gets in the way of honesty go ahead! 2) I'm writing because: A. I have stories in my head! B. I want to share said stories! C. I need an excuse to be anti-social! 3) Please suggest things you like but keep in mind, this is my story not a fan-fic. So just because you want a scantly clad female or out of character moment for the MC so the ship can sail, like me sink you vessel right now. 4) Just some quick things about the book which don't fit in a dramatic summary. This book will have some cultivation type stuff but I am a "Evil Westerner!" so I not going to attempt true cultivation because I'd just butcher it. Also, a few character will be introduced who have their own story. So if you're like where in the world did that doped guy go! Then there is a good chance they have their own story, you missed a chapter and they are dead! 5) "I have nothing else to say!" - Words That Are a Paradox

TheWritingTunaCan · Fantasia
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