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His wife just died "in childbirth", how is he going to justify marrying his wife's maid shortly thereafter?
Based on what I've read so far, father Huo is just very much wrong on facts, caused by his ingrained dislike of his son, his prejudices against him, and his vanity.
This just means that he never listened to or protected Huo Feng. I'd call him at least neglectful.
You are behaving like an unreasonable, well, Karen. No wonder nobody listens.
And you are planning to use this occasion to do that? Tactless!
The only thing they need, is a non-transparent tent. Are there no earthbenders around?
One of those I-don't-care-it-can't-be-done-just-do-it types.
To an unconscious person? Either unconscious doesn't mean what I think it means, or these people are stupid.
She's unconscious. She is not doing anything that is not autonomous, like breathing or having her heart beat.