Who am I really ?
You probably wonder who I am. They call me an observer, many years ago I became interested in you again and since then I have been following all your actions. Good and bad. Wars that you wage, disasters, moments like those without worries, in peace and quiet. I have to admit that it gives me a lot of fun. In some respects you are a really interesting species, each time you can rise again. A human race that arose out of curiosity. We gave you a second chance how you will use it or manage to correct the mistakes of the past caused by your ancestors. I am from these villains after all I did not get the capital of the whole world just a beautiful smile. I have all your troops in my hand, the biggest heads of the world are subject to me fearing my next step. What I will do with such power, which I will achieve through it. Who will die And who will survive, only you are able to find out. How do you think you can survive my fun or give up at the very beginning.
Let the game begin.
Zeteria · Fantasia
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