Definition Humane
200 years ago man created the greatest AI known but this Machine eventually grew a mind of its own and evetually it's own body, it rose up with others like it against the human race this battle went on for about 20 years and nature and most resources were dieing off cause of the continuing battles but the final battle it released a large blast but is wasn't a bomb it was something else entirely, the machines had something hidden down their main base, something that wasn't human or machine something not of this earth, the blast brought back nature it changed it along with the humans and Machines closes to the blast.....both of them went a evolution of some sorts and because of this both sides where able to form a peace ending the war
Lia Giles became a border guard and mechanic for the power lines on the in between of the main city and the unearthly forests, no longer being able to stand living in the high technology world where humans are treated like second class citizens. On one of her patrols she discovers something or more like someone that no one has ever seen before.
Pinkroseutena1 · Ficção Científica
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