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Hello dear reader. I am sorry for not updating new chapters. We have a difficult family situation. My father passed away several days ago. I can't write right now. I will continue this story when I can. Thank you for keeping your interest. I am grateful for your attitude towards this novel. Give me some time. Take care and stay safe. ❤️
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
* Service / application /websites. Gosh, autocorrection in my phone is aweful sometimes 🤦♀️
Hello , dear. This delay makes me sad but, unfortunately, because of war I have serious problems at work. So I need to focus on how to keep my family's living. I have 2 drafts ready. But I can't edit them properly because the servise I used doesn't work in my country anymore. Same goes to other servises too 😔 Writing is difficult in this stressful situation but I do my best to keep calm and continue my work. Give me some time to collect my thoughts. I think I'll be able to upload new chapters soon. Take care and stay safe. ❤️
Thank you! Your words give me lots of motivation!
Thank you very much!
Hello, dear! Thank you for waiting and supporting me ^_^ I am grateful for your time and attention. I am ok, not great yet but I try to keep smiling :-) Take care and stay safe! Be happy!
Hello , dear reader! Thank you so much for your support! I am happy you liked the chapters. ^_^ I am doing my best to write 2-4 chapters per week. So in a day or two I will upload the next one. Take care and stay safe!
Thank you so much for the comment and that you took time to write it! I will definitely consider your suggestion because I plan to edit the novel in the near future. Such comments are so valuable! Take care and thank you for reading ^_^