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took me awhile, but, what the... dude...
Doesn't even has chinese novel vibe.. shshdbhdhhdhdjdjdjjdjdnf hfbfbfn fnr fn rnr rnr rbr br dbr rnr rnr rrn brjrbr rjr rnr rnr nr rnr rbr rbr brb
woah he realised that, an author that freaking realised how fast the romance is. Truly a chad.
this is not yen, 1000 won = 1 usd, so 10k won = 10 usd
hyunggggg, it is hyungg for boys, oppa for girls. Jin woo hyung
I hate MC's back story. Yep, that's all. No, nothing more. Stop, don't read. No, no, no, please, stop from reading this. No more, please, no more! I need to get outta here before i become crazy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Behind you.