


I’m awesome

2018-10-11 UnidoAustralia



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  • DoctorDraco

    Lizards are not moist or slimy

    Its body was half-way in the earth and had a moist black lizard-like skin. It had no limbs, eyes, or anything. It was like a bloody sack with a red stripe going from its belly to its teeth-lined, circular mouth. Jay recognized its kind immediately, though it differed from the ones he had encountered previously.
    My Necromancer Class
    Fantasia · Aero182
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a Levian


    Ch 784 Raised in the Shadow pt 2
    Fantasia · RinoZ
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a Raiohosore

    Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a try.

    "Sigh, you know that I really would rather things not be so grand, it just always seems to happen to me." Robert then grinned and looked over to see Joel standing beside him. "haha, that's what makes it so fun to tease you about it." Robert couldn't help deflating a little hearing his reply to which Joel just laughed more and dragged him over to get their food.
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a OllieZ

    becouse I can 😜

    Ch 45 20. The big names
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a Thenoicemaster

    That all happened in the anime, a kids show. this world is a bit more realistic. I find it hard to believe a family that controls the police force of every region needs the help of a 10-year-old.

    Joel couldn't help watching all this with shock. He normally avoided telling people his family name because of how they reacted, they either started acting overly respectful or just avoided him. When he first told Robert, he didn't seem to react at all. Only now he found out that he never even heard it before, or he had and didn't bother to remember it. Going off the conversation it was probably the latter.
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a Thenoicemaster

    nope, the Growlithe lost to the Rhyhorne. the other pokemon lost to the Beedrill

    Joel was still standing at the counter and noticed Robert handing over three Pokéball's. Joel believed that his Growlithe wasn't any weaker than Roberts Vulpix, but Growlithe was the only Pokémon he had. Joel really wanted to know what Roberts other Pokémon were and if they were just as strong.
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a Lunar_Phoenix

    100% correct

    Ch 41 17. Rage
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a HeavenlyOrchid

    it's used as Magikarp evolves. That's why it needed to be attached to his body somewhere

    Ch 41 17. Rage
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a blobbombs

    hasn't yet still a Magikarp

    Most trainers who aimed for the Junior league had their Pokémon suppress their evolution. This wasn't difficult if the Pokémon itself was willing. The Junior League had many rare items that could be used to improve their Pokémon's potential so most would rather wait. Robert himself was keeping his Eevee from evolving. Without an everstone this did put a little strain on the Pokémon, this wasn't harmful in the short term but could be if delayed too long. Unfortunately, Magikarp was a bit dumb and couldn't intentionally delay its evolution.
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a phanyon_Stewoiut

    yep that's the one

    On earth he was an only child and grew up in a big city, closest he got to the country was holidaying in a fancy cabin for a week. Here, growing up on the farm is vastly different, and so far, he is enjoying it. Especially with Pokémon being the farm animals. He also has siblings, two twin sisters who are 5 years older than him. Although they tease him now and then, most of the time they treat him like their little treasure and spoil him as much as they can. His mother here is also very loving and gentle while his father is a bit stricter, he's also a loving father. His parents here are the owners of the Moomoo milk farm off route 39 in Johto, so while not rich their far from poor.
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a Kiirii

    when vulpix are first born they have one white tail that changes shade and divides as it ages, I always liked that so I wanted to put it in my book

    Vulpix was disappointed she didn't get to fight the Beedrill before they ran. Robert was simply happy that she didn't seem at all afraid of them anymore. Vulpix was a fire type after all and could defeat them easier than Eevee did if she didn't panic. After Eevee broke through to level 31 her strength soared. Although she hadn't reached level thirty-two yet, Robert was confident that she could take on two of her level 30 self to a draw.
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a Kiirii

    nope it's a shiny kanto vulpix

    Vulpix was disappointed she didn't get to fight the Beedrill before they ran. Robert was simply happy that she didn't seem at all afraid of them anymore. Vulpix was a fire type after all and could defeat them easier than Eevee did if she didn't panic. After Eevee broke through to level 31 her strength soared. Although she hadn't reached level thirty-two yet, Robert was confident that she could take on two of her level 30 self to a draw.
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a blobbombs

    haha all good but I do appreciate you pointing out stuff that I could have missed so feel free to keep doing it. He talks about it a little in the next chapter.

    Since when does the Pokémon world have a military! Maybe this world is more different than the one he knew than he thought
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a Narcox

    thanks for pointing that out for me. I managed to catch myself doing that next chapter but missed this one.

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a Cyko_Gamer

    More like Tory Lund from the 7th movie Destiny Deoxys but puts in more effort to get over it

    Ch 12 10. Making progress
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a FrightKnight88

    I'm sorry you feel that way but a appreciate the compliment and the time you took to read it.

    Ch 11 9. For my dreams and the promise I made
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a Slan

    I'm sorry you feel that way but these earlier chapters are going to be mostly about character and world building.

    Ch 10 8. Green and crimson
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a Slan

    He doesn't start out scared of them. It explains later how he became scared of them. Yea I know the prologue is a bit slow but it helps explain some things that are going to happen later in the story.

    Ch 4 2. Sisters, save me!
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a WolfLord

    That's a bit embarrassing but thanks for pointing that out to me

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco
  • DoctorDraco
    Respondeu a WolfLord

    thanks a lot for the comment, it gave me some ideas to use. unfortunately I am still going to have some people eat Pokémon, I'm going to go about it a different way.

    Ch 2 2. bright new beginning
    Pokémon are scary
    Videojogos · DoctorDraco