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2018-10-08 UnidoGlobal



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Marvel: Redemption

He thought his way will be the key to the ultimate peace, people living life, children of tomorrow unworried for problems. But, in the end, he realized he was always been manipulated of a grand scheme. As a result, he died without realizing his goal, the peaceful future. His name is Uchiha Madara, the Ghost of Uchiha, the Puppet of thr Rabbit 'god'. But, what if, Madara had another chance? Another life? Not in the world he almost destroyed but a new world of vast beginnings, where a man in a suit of armor changed the world of technology to the age of heroes, the 90 years old super soldier who experienced war of extreme commitment and compromise, a banished demi-god that lost his power because of his arrogance? Madara thought that his lifetime should just end. He ended up giving his chance of reincarnation but he gave his eyes and abilities, including his experience, to a dying boy, who was experimented by Baron Von Strucker. Disclaimer: This novel will only have the timeline of Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). So, NO X-men, NO Fantastic Four, NO Marvel Comics' plot. As for pairings, I decided for no Harem, as it is always common in the stories for Marvel Fanfictions. This time, I want to change it to OCXWanda. OC X Wanda Maximoff I also don't own MCU or Uchiha Madara as they are the credit of their respective owners, I only own the crossover between the two and the plot of the story. Thanks ~Author

jonathan09 · Filmes
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