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haven't read it yet, but is he going to the Route of the Tyrant/Hero? The Modern day kind of Hero(doesn't kill won't try to change anything) or The Old Christian kind of Hero(will kill you and Change the Structure of your society to be Christian)
hey give the People Reacting a bit of lore tidbits, like how Dante doesn't Smoke and drinks but Loves Pizzas and Strawberry Sundays. Dante's so Silly that it just goes back to being cool.
my Grandma said if your're greatest fan is yourself you'll Never know if your improving or not
the Coomer Universe.
killed a classmate once.
the Cage that the Devil make for man is Comfortable until the time comes and the doors shuts, the Real prison will be shown.
and Humanity always go astray
so Generic Fic then
wow so edgy, so do you want juice with that?