


An avid gamer turned avid reader.

2018-10-02 UnidoPhilippines

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  • IOnlyEatDinner
    Respondeu a magnetrelease

    I was talking about the movie in the gif which was a 2002 movie.

    He was a big fan of Spider-man and loved the MCU's version of Aunt May. She was the epitome of a MILF, and he respected that over the granny in the Tobey Maguire Spider-man movies.
    I'm Spider-Man (MCU)
    Filmes · AlienWarlord
  • IOnlyEatDinner

    It's a very interesting premise copied from another novel, unfortunately, it's not even close to the original in any way. Character relationships, business competitions, and even regular character interactions appear comical. Sometimes they would appear exaggerated or brain dead for what seems to be an attempt to be funny or a poor attempt at painting a character in a bad light. Unfortunately, for a genre that is more grounded to realism, it takes from the immersion and lowers the quality of the story. What a story like this needs is a thrilling competent competitions, not some third-rate cardboard villain that you know will fail from the start. Another thing a story like this needs is proper interactions from people around him and reactions from the people influenced/touched by his games, directly or indirectly. Not some side-comments about MC's arrogance over and over like they don't have anything else to comment on. There's also the a glaring lack of insight for business that is a very important strength of the original. The sequence of events just move on without easing up to it. In the original, we get a proper planning and answers from the MC on business standpoint, whether it be to answer the actions of his also very competent competitions or other entities that are trying to one-up him and/or his business, or an action of necessity due to things actually progressing enough to warrant it or having a very good opportunity to do it. Here? It mostly just happens out of nowhere. Overall, I may be giving a harsh criticism, considering that the original had a very good foundation, and being inspired from it should have at least retained its good quality, unfortunately, I don't see any reason to read this when the quality is very much lower than the original. On a very unprofessional and unfiltered rant, any more of those character dialogues and I'm gonna start having a brain hemorrhage. I seriously can't muster up the strength to read more.

    Tycoon of Video Games
    Videojogos · NewComer714
  • IOnlyEatDinner
    Respondeu a SMomoTempest

    Mora also works as a catalyst for other things (alchemy, forging, etc.) which a fake wouldn't be able to copy, so there's that.

    Since Mora itself held intrinsic value as a medium of exchange, it would inevitably get used up over time. So there was no need to worry about rampant inflation from overproduction.
    Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP
    Videojogos · iRedX43
  • IOnlyEatDinner

    This whole meeting coulda been done in 2 chapters at most. Just how many chapters did it take for this one? It feels like a blatant chapter-count padding.

    Este livro foi excluído.
  • IOnlyEatDinner
    "Well, go ahead. You are my panther, and you will definitely be something more when you evolve, so there is no point in hiding anything from you" He gave permission to her to shift through his memories
    Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher
    Anime e quadrinhos · AdamFlores
  • IOnlyEatDinner

    Writing quality of 3. Many spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and the like.Story development of 1. Went from interesting gamer dxd fic, into an edgy r*pey fic with unnecessary bashing, one that I never expected considering the early chapters were fine, like what happened? seriously.Character design of 1. If it's a design choice to make the characters' characteristics worse than the original just to justify an edgy event for a seriously increasingly annoying main character, then it is what it is. I just can't justify giving this a higher score.Updating stability of 3, it's not a daily update, but it IS updating. World background of 3, well, it's mostly done well, the author does know the world of DxD, which is why it's frustrating to see characters being butchered for the sake of edgy "character" development, if you can even call it a development.

    Necromantic Gamer's Journey(DxD)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Bronz_Deck
  • IOnlyEatDinner

    I see you are a shawarma and bebsi guy, my friend.

    I'm at a point in my life where I am willing to trade away my humanity for 5 Dollars and a can of bebsi.
    Necromantic Gamer's Journey(DxD)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Bronz_Deck
  • IOnlyEatDinner
    Respondeu a Scareskin

    Yeah, roundabout nerf. Autocorrect ;-;

    Having a "cheat" like the system was already a significant advantage over others, so there wasn't a need to demand too much. One had to be open-minded and maintain a positive attitude in life.
    I Am The Owner Of A Pokémon Day Care In The Pokémon World
    Anime e quadrinhos · bearnard_bear97
  • IOnlyEatDinner
    "Moo... how many times do I have to tell you that you didn't need to apologize to me, I made the decision myself, and I am fully aware of its consequences, so don't blame yourself, okay?"(Asia)
    The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)
    Anime e quadrinhos · MissRias
  • IOnlyEatDinner

    Way too fast, man. I get that you're trying to get this development out of the way but rushing it out like this will only leave a bad taste for the readers.

    "When you told me I wouldn't be your only woman, I only accepted because I was desperate and my mind wasn't right, but now I can't wait to have reinforcements against you." she said jokingly, but not taking seriously what she said, despite still being a little afraid of it happening.
    I Am Tony Stark Now
    Filmes · Tigr4
  • IOnlyEatDinner

    Either this is some kind of bad joke or I'm going to regret wasting my time even reaching this chapter.

    "Your daughter is? That's incredible. How about you let your daughter be my maid?"
    Genshin Impact: Spreading Anime Culture Across Teyvat
    Videojogos · UltimateSenpai
  • IOnlyEatDinner
    Respondeu a Scareskin

    Being able to see aptitude alone should have been a very good cheat, unfortunately either the author is needing the MC in a roundabout way by not giving him more opportunities to greatly capitalize on that or the author don't have enough ideas to make the MC capitalize on it, either way, it makes the system look useless and the MC incompetent.

    Having a "cheat" like the system was already a significant advantage over others, so there wasn't a need to demand too much. One had to be open-minded and maintain a positive attitude in life.
    I Am The Owner Of A Pokémon Day Care In The Pokémon World
    Anime e quadrinhos · bearnard_bear97
  • IOnlyEatDinner

    For someone who was already quite old before he died, he sure is very immature. I'm starting to wonder if the author was confused between the 'before' and 'after' transmigration personalities of his MC.

    Yuga pondered, "System backpack?" With that thought, he accessed the system backpack and revealed a pleasantly surprised expression upon seeing its contents.
    I Am The Owner Of A Pokémon Day Care In The Pokémon World
    Anime e quadrinhos · bearnard_bear97
  • IOnlyEatDinner

    Well, considering there's a route of her which she peacefully coexisted (wink wonk) with Saionji, it should be possible. She has to be utterly neglected for that infamous ending. She's still scary af tho.

    To be honest, as long as you can maintain a proper balance and not let things take a dark turn, the usual Kotonoha is a gentle and refined young lady, undoubtedly an excellent choice for a girlfriend.
    Life As Hikigaya Hachiman
    Anime e quadrinhos · Leonzky
  • IOnlyEatDinner
    Respondeu a Agrippa_Atelier

    Poor Yui already Yahallost in the original and still Yahallost here. Though the story is still great overall, I'm just a whining Yui fan. x.x

    Ch 29 All Right! Fine! I Will Take You! – Chapter 27
    All Right! Fine! I Will Take You! [Oregairu, Poly]
    Anime e quadrinhos · Agrippa_Atelier
  • IOnlyEatDinner

    The premise was good. The idea of combining pocket hunting dimension and  Naruto isn't exactly original but it's an interesting idea. However, the execution is not very good. Too much emphasis on cultivation details that readers needed not to read. It's fine to go through it one time but going over it again and again made the story boring. Okay, we get it, he consumed the orb, he meditated, he grew stronger. Now where is the story? Where this fic fails is making the story engaging. The execution is most of the time cringeworthy too. It's a wish-fulfillment fantasy but unfortunately, the execution made the wish-fulfillment feel like you're reading a teenager's wet dream. The reactions of the characters about everything involving (MC)Naruto are borderline illogical and exaggerated most of the time. Really makes you feel that the characters are lifeless and soulless, they only exist for the sake of (MC)Naruto's gratification.

    Este livro foi excluído.
  • IOnlyEatDinner
    Respondeu a deadpotential

    Just open chat gpt, type "please fix the grammar of this:" then paste your whole chapter there, copy the result by clicking the clipboard icon, then post that one.

    Ch 17 Chapter 17
    Summertime Loving
    Anime e quadrinhos · deadpotential
  • IOnlyEatDinner
    Respondeu a Flaiver

    Maybe from all the chapters til now, we can now agree that this MC is a moron. Not a complete moron but a moron nonetheless. Maybe it's the execution of the story that made him seem that way but I seriously can't convince myself otherwise any longer after all these.

    Este livro foi excluído.
  • IOnlyEatDinner
    Respondeu a JSirMixalotL

    Yep, that's my biggest issue with this story. Sometimes it's justified for him to act in a certain way, but most of the time, it's just for the sake of being edgy. It's hard not to cringe when it's constantly thrown at your face.

    I was so weak, he had given me time, and even though I was grateful for that opportunity, it made me feel like I was some kind of insignificant bug not even worth squashing. That sting of insignificance, alongside the realization of my own impotence that I wouldn't have been able to save anyone, was a pain far worse than any physical wound.
    Fairy Tail: Shinigami
    Anime e quadrinhos · CORNBRINGER
  • IOnlyEatDinner
    Respondeu a LeBlorf

    A lot of them, actually, for the same reason as Lili.

    Liliruca Arde or Lili has been introduced into the story. I plan on making her a prominent character, as well as outlining my plan for her in this fanfiction, so please reserve all possible Lili hate comments. HAHAHAHA
    Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers
    Anime e quadrinhos · Feniurme