Discord: @5imply_lucid Ko-fi: @king_frosh
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He knew that hence why all bureaucrats are augmented with neural implants
How though... Sisters of silence have null fields around that render warp or psychic activity invalid within a given area Also if they are on a ship then exactly 70% of the time, there is a Custodes present so how
The Emperor doesn't approve of any other psyker apart from himself and Malcador Even Magnus and his Thousands Sons are banned from using their psychic powers... This is one of the major reasons why The Emperor was angry when he cast himself to Terra The ban reached all other Astartes which is also why none of the Custodes are psykers
Yh you ain't getting rescued... Guilliman was limited in what he could do in the Nihilus He spent his time create bridge worlds like Vigilus and relay worlds to allow relatively safe travel through the rift Even if you could give tithes... They wouldn't reach. . I mean there is a reason he had to create a regent for the nihilus Worse... Despite all that... He didn't reach that far into the nihilus The nihilus is doomed unless there is some new change
I don't think that would have helped much... It would probably make the heresy occur faster The main reason why Horus rebelled was because of how the Emperor treated people The Emperor is a cold person who calculates everything and anything... Not to a perfect degree unfortunately but he is close He may say he loves his children but he uses them like tools Horus didn't feel such a person was worthy of leading humanity (Chaos whispering) If they started at the bottom as you suggest... This would have happened earlier and would have started with someone Guilliman or something... Which is honestly terrifying to think of Imagine Guilliman as Champion of Chaos Undivided... He may not really be known for his combat but just imagine that strategic might in Chaos's hand
True, thanks for pointing that out
That's the thing you don't understand... Machine spirits themselves can't resist anything Hell the only technology that Chaos can even taint are ones with a machine spirit The chaos tainted code or scrapcode if I remember correctly works because it is infecting a soul The Necrons are unaffected not Because of their Necrodemis skin.. It's because they don't have a soul I believe it should be a known fact by now that Chaos can't affect anything without a soul Blanks Tau have a very weak presence because their soul is tethered to another idea (the greater good) Necrons don't have a soul in total STCs have yet to ever be possessed throughout Warhammer history because they are actual technology, no soul However the moment, Mechanicus either Dark or normal, touches them and begins to 'repair' then boom, they are open to chaos possession Chaos can possess ships because it's not dead metal... It has a machine spirit It can possess titans because nearly all of them have machine spirits However for normal technology aka dead metal... It can at most just warp their appearance
The man did do a lot of things perfectly but he didn't do a lot of things right Like rather than create 20... 18 Sons... He could have just used the Adeotus Custodes that he had genetically engineered and perfected on his own Make them Solar Governors and each the commander to their own small legion of 1000 space marines to defend their solar system What the empire remain safe throughout his time
Yeah .That is true Chaos has influenced it so much that normal warp energy is difficult to find However it is also wrong because it also stated clearly that the domains of each chaos god is clearly carved out. .... The paranoia against psykers started with the Emperor's own trust issues to begin with... He just naturally does trust another person having psyker powers apart himself and Malcador A trait he passed on to literal many of his sons You see this in the decree that all librarians must return to their home world and must cease use of their powers An order that they have stopped listening as he was entombed
Warp energy itself is pure and untainted.... However your intent of use, means if access and all that make it seem twisted Think of it as electricity... Just normal electricity Used right it is beneficial but accessed wrongly, it can be dangerous