Because I Love Myself More
This is the story of an ordinary girl who married Prince Charming.
On the way to their honeymoon, they met a Witch who took Prince Charming away.
Ordinary girl has a choice: share Charming with the Witch; or fly solo without her prince.
This is the story of a very ordinary girl who married Prince Charming.
They were supposed to stay together
Turns out, fate is a mighty joker
Their marriage is over
The two of them ain't forever.
Plot outline:
Madison Trent experiences heartbreak at seventeen when her marriage to the perfect man ends in divorce.
Her journey to success and happiness is the journey of a girl who, despite setbacks and tribulations, refuses to be down and beaten.
This is her world; and in this world, she is Queen.
This is her story.
betwuo · Urbano
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