☆Chaos Slayer and Angel Eater☆Title - The one who conquered it all Stats - ⚠Error⚠"Ui Display too small for text" report this error no where cuz I'm the GM
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john wick may have grown too old. press "f" to pay respects
I play my "big gun" equipment card to my winged dragon of Ra
my main firepowet
The Four Omnis of God all are the same powers an Author holds over his/hers story. A reader isn't Omniscient, after all, a story comes from its authors mind. I can easily write a story based solely on what I want you to see, in this case, read, yet that doesn't mean that what you read is the way things are. Think about that while you read my story
Sadly, I can't give a sufficiently in depth answer to this question since I haven't finished the first chapter. However, I can provide the email of an old English teacher of mine. If you are interested that is.
Consider getting a proofreader to find and correct all those Grammer mistakes and messy sentences. It is very visible that you love this story solely from the chapter count. By having so many linguistic mishaps, it makes it harder and harder for readers to follow the story. Keep up the momentum dear author :)
how to black flag this app?
soccer? I have played it. *kicks ball and scores on team goal*
I have never seen an author this dedicated to the meals