Eu estou apenas dormindo Solo estoy durmiendo I'm just sleeping 寝てるだけ
de leitura
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Apologies for the delay
I arrived
I was here (And I think we have to think carefully about what would be interesting to have in the relationship with the MC)
Here my saga of sending Gifs will begin, it may take a while all the chapters will have my gifs
Confused a little more I liked it, keep it up and take my stones Now you deserve it (Google translate)
I just get more and more confused but ok that's life lol (Google translate)
Muhahahaha very good every time I get more excited about it
(Google translate) I really like the theme of jujutsu powers so please continue this story, I'm very excited for what could happen in the future
This is crazy man, but it's life, good story, please continue