de leitura
Ler livros
uhh put fish in the rice field??? that works right??? right???
Ohhhh shi.... Still ain't done?!?! just came to check if it is done but damn lol I'll just check again in 3 months maybe hahaha
wait is this Harem???
👍 yes, never change ma guy
thnkx and this is harem right? cause if it is then I'm out
use a Blind fold??? for his eye???? he should be able to see and the consumption of his energy should be stable
Read till 19 and I can't handle it no more 🤦 MC is just dumb and thanks for the heads up!
just skip all the "the touch" chapter....and it's getting boring cause if these chapters was enjoying it too
slr! but he mastered the jutsu righr??? I mean Chakra String can do wonder for writing just saying 🤷