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The story gets interesting. But why not stopping the rumor. It is a bit too slow
some progress but i really want to see this Anna Davis being faceslapped by Landon in front of Tiana. She has passed her boundary as a doctor
I am glad they are together now
i can't believe myself that smoke gets in my eyes reading this. And not with the goodbye.
Please...please can we just move fast with this unnecessary drama?.
Honestly, I really want to see Landon and Tiana put this Davis mire firmly. Also, since Landon knows his mother doesn't respect Tiana why not returning her gifts?
a confusing story
I love the novel thus far. But really want to see Landon amd Tiana be more agressive and strile instead of this wait and see. They neeed to make things happen instead let tbings happen and then react
It doesn't make sense. I am familiar with accupuncture and there is no way someone should be away for a whole year alone with the doctor. Common sense, the peace of mind is prerequisite. So how would Landon be at peace if he is separated from his wife?. How could the Professor amd Landon so dumb not to refute with logic?
Why oh why Laurent you give in?. dissapointed at you girl