I'm coolI'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm coolI'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool I'm
de leitura
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Basic marketing, give and take, give more than you take and ppl will love your and your product
Which empire wasn’ 😭t
no rent isn’t 35000, they own the house
what every other nation did to conquered ones.
Why add it? It feels very unnecessary. Unless later down the story we're going to go back to his old universe and revisit his family, then I don't see a point of this paragraph.
So kind to obito
Okay this story was better than expected. For a translation it’s good. Definitely some hiccups here and there though.