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Yo, author's indian roots showing up. Makes me feel as if i am reading some formation from Mahabharata👌🏻😁
Nah, he's 17, he could've easily thought of the consequences
So are most of them somewhat of glass cannons? If caught unprepared without skill usage, they can at most take some more damage than a normal or peak human before it turns fatal for them as well?
I have a question to the author - since everyone, at least in the elite class is master level, then this should be an easy feat, right? I thought being master level means at least being able to destroy buildings easily, and at their extremes, even large areas such as a stadium level or bigger could be done in. This is based on what we see the various master level people achieve in the previous novel....
Oh that guy would be milked to his limit by corporate
Bro you're bring the wrong example here. King Vegeta got rid of Broly because he feared that Broly would easily surpass him and his bloodline 😂
Considering that, is everyone or nearly everyone in the elite class at master level?
What level of power is he currently at? I assume that he was regressed back from Master level to amateur and has to gain that back again?
Ah cliffhanger 😢