Obsession doesn't begin to cover it.
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How is she in 12 when she's not that far behind class ones lowest scorer? This makes no sense.
First you slander get about being l like "every other girl" but now she's pretentious for ignoring it? ugh. be smarter.
No Chen Li, he never will. Please take your new spirit and ignite the passion to divorce this absolute dead weight!
What perfection!? You can't even see your own fucking mistakes! You ridicule and cry about the unfairness of other people's lives but let your family be dragged down by your idiocy!
GOOD! You're and idiot who takes the skin off his own back to protect people that won't even thank you for doing so! SHUT UP!
Bitch, they've been fighting since earlier! But of course it comes done to wanting money!
When will you let go!!!!! Fuck. Chen Li, please beat his ass! Divorce him!
Yun Xi, it's not pointless. Don't be an idiot.
Who's fault is that Lui Fang! I hope your new child becomes even more of an imbecile with how your raise your children!
Those aren't innocent words! Author , you make concessions for these horrible people and it's dumb! Stop that!