Just a fanboy
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I want to ask why does he still save them he could've just waited to for bullseye to kill then apprehend him that way he gets two stones with one bird since pewter is already one of the top smartest people on the planet why not recreate the super soldier serum or one of his defunct ones build an army masquerading as a security personnel branch of his company try to analyse bumble bee and then build an army of him as for energy source why not use the one in the iron man 2 movie not to mention his nano tech armour then recreate the extremis virus along side to give himself a pyrokenatic abilities that are normal not magical ones like the fire dragon ones or just build some megazords for fun that can turn into fleets then go to Africa get as much people as yu can then colonize a new world image the imperium of arachnid
are you trying to sound smart or what the problem the thing you mentioned those trinket are mere tools for authors to write their wish fullfilment type of one shots then they say they do exist in universe yet there power get so much needed to give the heroes a fighting chance to the point of the trinket themselves and their legendary status become obsolete unlike the world item which are relatively stable on the narrative point they have weaknesses and limitations yet at the same time hold on to being powerful item and don't need to get nerfed depending on which one is using them which story and the whims of the editor you get that
can we stop sharing his powers with others and explaining them to total strangers please itis getting very irritating to read
retard Tony
so what you want from Tony is that every time they assembled he will see the man who killed his father and mother right before his eyes and chat with him like I'm getting confused here is the MC a manipulateur now doesn't matter who ordered it Bucky was the one who did that doesn't protect him from the punishment same thing for the soldiers in WWII they didn't get spared because they were doing the show they get butchered as well it just shows the MC is very dumb lacks common sense and very idealistic likes living in lala land seriously you could Tony vent his anger kills Bucky then the MC comes in resurect him using the time or reality stones it's simple
so the MC is basically less trashier Pietro no impressive abilities at all heck he is worthless it's a fanfic so of course the MC will have an indirect unlimited growth secod the weapons also trash he can get uru or vibranium basically extremely upgradable a lot better then his wished weapons so you added nothing except more memories it also seems the MC isn't the type that has some brain on his shoulders at all only goes with the flow with occasional brain function in order to expand the plott all on all a let down
so the MC is basically less trashier Pietro no impressive abilities at all heck he is worthless it's a fanfic so of course the MC will have an indirect unlimited growth secod the weapons also trash he can get uru or vibranium basically extremely upgradable a lot better then his wished weapons so you added nothing except more memories it also seems the MC isn't the type that has some brain on his shoulders at all only goes with the flow with occasional brain function in order to expand the plott all on all a let down
filthy heretic you shall be purged with fire to cleanse your sins away may God have mercy on your soul