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maybe after some short time like 1 or 2 months. give some time for chat group members to familiarise with each other or get mission rewards (maybe not for MC)
Luffy's philosophy in One Piece is not to kill his enemies, believing crushing their dreams is worse. His victories have left many villains defeated and forced to abandon their dreams. quoted from the internet.
isn't there a vacuum bullet jutsu in wind release. Ninjas have exceptional reaction speed. Guns may work on genins and some chins but any jonin should easily avoid bullets since there are many jutsus that are very fast and there are ninjas that overcame that jutsus.
teleportation in number is superior to the hp world as there was no problem with distance. so MC can go anywhere on earth regardless of the distance and may use it in battle. Also jumpers can carry heavier objects than wizards like in the movie when a jumber teleported with a car which I think is possible for wizards