a loner of sorts
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your writing as if he was a petulant child
that is not even the point in the Harry potter world they were not even called magus wizard witch and sometimes warlock but never magus and they definitely did not call it magica or magical powers it was magic plain and simple
it is a translated work they never get anything right
Elias is the only name that ends with s and Beth is the only name that begins with b
you know if they ever settled on the Kuja island they would only give birth to females you know that right so why would you want to stay on Kuja island
I can say it is alright there are definitely parts that are not fluid in but overall it is better then the ones that are usually reupdated
alright I will look forward to it
just pick one already and keep it
not worth reading with how short the chapters are
this is something you should read only if your really bored and have nothing to do and trying to go to slèep