

2018-04-13 UnidoGlobal



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  • mickro
    mickro8 days ago

    This story is an interesting enough premise to take a look and so far the plot has me interested enough to stay hooked for the time being, I will say the update speed it a tad slow and could use more chapters. Some of the ideas incorporated into the story kind of hurt the plot flow and make it seem a bit convoluted him being so power just makes me assume the power system of Pokemon might be broken shortly and ruin the experience but I am willing to give it a try.

  • mickro
    mickro8 days ago

    I enjoy the story so far and think is has promise as it has an interesting premise some of the concepts in the story don't make sense as I don't see a professor of Hogwarts with no NEWT or OWL exams ever being taken getting hired. Also him being able to convert so much pounds into Galleons is a bit far fetched as if you could convert them like that you would find wizards zapping muggles for cash left and right. I do see quite a bit of author forced plots that make the story loose some of its allure but I am willing to accept it so far and find the story enjoyable enough to look past.

  • mickro
    mickro13 days ago

    The story Originally had issues with translation quality yes there are still one or two words with mistakes per chapter. But he overall quality of the story has risen from Barley readable to fully understandable so I will give the author a thumbs up for this and the release frequency of new chapters is very good! I see that the story rating has been dropping while the quality is improving and decided to give a good review.

  • mickro
    mickro15 days ago

    Great work author I enjoy this story very much keep it up!

  • mickro
    mickro16 days ago
    Respondeu a EyeOfSilver

    This comment makes me wonder if you even read what you replied to or are just throwing out a victim race card since it doesn't matter were they are from right? I don't understand how wanting to have a relationship of mutual respect is American yeah some countries lean more towards a male dominant relationship but I have yet to see were its the norm in a country for the woman to emotionally and physically abuse there partner for a mutual bad decision...[img=thinking]

  • mickro
    mickro16 days ago
    Respondeu a Devils_hand

    I agree and honestly I find it hard to believe and self respecting person would accept such a toxic relation ship with the women, as in my opinion the only reason she fell in love is because he is successful all of a sudden. I see the trend of this story she slept with a douche got knocked up blamed it all on him and tortured him for it. He turns over a leaf and is no longer a douche she finds out he is more successful than her and latches on to him.

  • mickro
    mickro16 days ago
    Respondeu a michaeI

    I agree you have the ability to write whatever you like, but if he doesn't enjoy it he has the same ability to bash it. Some people will lash out at what they perceive as abuse and those with strong imaginations tend to blend there perception into a character so if said character is abused they might take offense. Accept it as it is and move on as an author getting involved in this dispute makes me question your professionalism.

  • mickro
    mickro16 days ago
    Respondeu a Kukukuku

    I will have to chime in here, being treated as equals in a relationship and not as a lesser human being by your partner is non of the things you mentioned lol. So the guy likes a MC with some self respect and who would expect to be treated as an equal not as an emotional and physical punching back for his partner when they are upset with him is totally understandable. His wording and description of his likes and dislikes may have not been smooth and eloquent but regardless maybe not just jumping to conclusions would be a better response in the future.

  • mickro
    mickro16 days ago
    Respondeu a scorpioninpink

    Diddy the diddler

  • mickro
    mickro16 days ago
    Respondeu a Brian20

    You need to add a tag for Gender bend or change the synopsis to ensure the MC is a girl not a dude transmigrated into a female immortal elf druid.