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So its actually a russian fic: Марвел 11: Система суперсолдата
I am pretty sure that I have read this before. Not sure if OP had posted and deleted or if it was under another name here but it is very familiar.
pretty sure its written by an AI
so far the story is delenda est from ff net. I'm curious if second half will be the same. the author renaming the story/not giving any credit has me suspicious though.
this was recently free for the day. it was very enjoyable. the mc manages to skirt through situations with pure ignorance of existing norms, bravado, and a sense of confidence that is addicting. the overall world is a little flat, but the vibrancy of the characters and their interactions hides that. It is an exceedingly easy read to just escape into.. There were times when I just found myself smiling. any time a book gives that reaction, I need to give it 5 stars.
thanks for all the chapters!
thanks for the chapter. nice building and conveying of emotions
thanks for the book. good start, definitely nice so far.