

2018-03-19 UnidoGlobal

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  • EmaCnDf
    EmaCnDf14 hours ago
    Respondeu a FirdausBudin26

    nah, he is milking it because he has no other arcs, i mean he had danzo sending assassins in one of the most important battles of all time in konoha in front of a lot of ninjas, and nothing happen, its the same in 90% of ffcs, they milk danzo for 300 or 400 chapters just for the heck of it when it would be easy for toshiro to kill him, its just pointless fillers chapters of danzo and the mc being a turd.

  • EmaCnDf
    EmaCnDf17 hours ago

    If it is batman watching him i will punch you in the nuts. Good story for now.

  • EmaCnDf
    EmaCnDf17 hours ago

    Dont know why he would want be acknowledge by a random dude that happen to be tony stark but okay. I will await for more chapters to see were this goes.

  • EmaCnDf
    EmaCnDf19 hours ago
    Respondeu a TheUndyingOne

    Yeah, its always the same, they start at 14-15 with the spiderbite and they go from there, you story is diferent, i dont know his age, but he has a life, new friends and is more mature, and its not humping to every canon girl he sees like mj, its an interesting concept. A more complete spider-man, more mature, more prepared and diferent, i really will await for more, keep working hard bro its really good.

  • EmaCnDf
    EmaCnDf19 hours ago

    Wow, he has money, he has to go full on with gadjets, like batman in the arkham series, it would help him fight his rogue gallery more easily and with foreknowlege of his villains and training aimed to defeat those villains, just ideas, good story for now, a little suprised with peter being so diferent, i like it! Good job bro.

  • EmaCnDf
    EmaCnDfa day ago
    Respondeu a Suiijin

    I understand, but all he had to do was to knock some adult and steal the knowlege, or use polyjuice and hire someone to teach him, he exchanged the knowlege of a life time, the teaching of one of the strongest and most important wizard of all time, for scraps xd. Sorry,but its new to me to have an mc that give so many things for scraps, i mean no matter what one can say, dumbledore in canon literally grew harry to kill himself, and in this story he is one of the strongest wizard of his time, he needs knowlege, absurdily high ambition and plunder of knowlege to get where he is now, no matter what kind of saint you are, if you have an 12 year old boy that has even a little of knowlege of rowena ravenclaw i would rip it for his mind. Good story anyways bro.

  • EmaCnDf
    EmaCnDf2 days ago

    nope, you dont share this things YOU DO NOT SHARE BRO, NO ONE WOULD SHARE!!!

  • EmaCnDf
    EmaCnDf2 days ago

    I like the story, but you are making this a soap opera of drama, annoying drama if it is not the family pushing baelon to fuck his wife, its rhaenyra bitching around, or baelon hating trevor and now laenor died like an idiot adding more drama with rhaenys and laenna what a pain. Good story anyways dude.

  • EmaCnDf
    EmaCnDf2 days ago

    I am going to guess and he is going to get pushed around again, good bye man, good bye, i appreciate the effort with 381 chapters, but its a bad story to me, it had good moments, but every time that the mc is going good, you nerf the character, forget abilities, or make the mc make decicions that are stupid, now, we get in the last chapters what should have been an strong dude, years of "training" , surreal powerups and fought matatabi only to get bitchslaped by another uchiha out of nowhere "always tell the truth" xd? good bye dude

  • EmaCnDf
    EmaCnDf3 days ago
    Respondeu a Anthony_Nguyen_0554

    Yeah, i tough that with the sypnosis that he was going to train himself like batman, that was more interesting than the omnitrix to be honest. And it kill me his decisions. He could have refused, and go to new york and fight there, we got 10 chapters of ben going around with an arrogant attitude that was annoying, and for some reason that none, i mean none would never disclose, he told a SPY gal he met twice that he is for another dimension xdxd? and if it was not enough he went to the belly of the beast, where hydra monitors everything? such amazing premise, presenting the hand etc, to get in the middle of the avengers because he was bored that day i suppose.