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im not going to say this is trash but the story development is too slow. be it character or plot. even in 400++ episode fl still cant get rid her leech paternal family. .love story and ml just served as candy where it appear once in a while .😓😓
where is eva. she need to sign divorce paper asap 😳
its imposible for minger and yebei to be together after this.. since she dare to follow her brother act.. yebei deserve better girl
plz admit it hail. dont drag it any longer😔
hope that there would not be any misunderstanding between them. author please speed up vince divorce😏
why there is no update since this chapter.. or it happen only to me.. the front page show red dot but when i open list chapter it only show latest one 166..
aahhh.. plz dont make it years of separation.. just a month or two okey.. 😭😭
did i miss or author not yet reveal how hailey caught bryan cheating..
nope. .li xinger will use suicide and scheme to get pregnant with ziting child