


Gosto bastante de novels

2018-03-14 UnidoGlobal

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  • Dracmon13
    Dracmon134 months ago

    Dude, it seems like I'm reading robotic writing, because I don't know, it's so chatty, the words are very formal and perfect, it's weird lol, and it seems like the writing slow

  • Dracmon13
    Dracmon134 months ago

    mc is the strongest man in the world in the top 10, and is beaten by an external god '-', I don't know if you know, but this is written by chatgpt, there are some human parts but that's it, and apparently the author sees a lot of things to put some Chinese phrases

  • Dracmon13
    Dracmon135 months ago

    Well, until chapter 3 I was able to read the rest, they started changing your name to a Chinese version, with that typical Chinese behavior in fanfics, doing what translates. This may give inspiration to other people, but continuing to read this doesn't work.

  • Dracmon13
    Dracmon135 months ago

    Mc is extremely pathetic, he could stop the operation of the definitive weapon, stronger than the gym leaders, and has an absurd drama about the evil mega stone, etc., along with some very idiotic characters

  • Dracmon13
    Dracmon135 months ago

    It's interesting, it has huge potential, but the only problem with this fanfic is the grammar which leaves a lot to be desired, I see people giving it 4 stars, 5 stars, but never one criticizing anything below that or talking about the structure of the text '-'

  • Dracmon13
    Dracmon135 months ago

    Grammar itself is horrible, there is no separation of speech and many other things, mistakes in words, there is a small touch of drama in it

  • Dracmon13
    Dracmon135 months ago

    It's a big piece of shit, there are only negative comments about it, and I'll tell you why, MC has the omnitrix, the most powerful weapon in the multiverse, he lowers his head to others, lets them pass out, trying to steal the omnitrix or take the blood is the only thing that Do you destroy Nick's office? gigantic disappointment, and in fact he follows the plot like never before, it feels like I'm watching Avengers with Ben 10 in the background, nothing changes '-'

  • Dracmon13
    Dracmon135 months ago

    Dude, this looks like a gpt '-' chat, or the author is writing some nonsense, a bit strange, using complicated words for a simple summary <<<<

  • Dracmon13
    Dracmon135 months ago

    The only thing I can say is Chinese, laozi, seriously? and even with bots in the comments lol, there had to be a side just for mtl, so as not to confuse people.

  • Dracmon13
    Dracmon135 months ago

    If you went to the comments then you will read this, This fanfic is a bad translation, it contains a lot of Chinese elements and the same drama

    Este livro foi excluído.