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The novella is information garbage. Level text = MC went to the toilet to pee, not to poop because ............ description for half the chapter. Description of the level= "I can go talk to those NPC, but I won't go because...... late". Why the hell do I need this information? Ordinary NPC. Simple conversation. The author throws all his thoughts into the text. Imagine writing down all your thoughts. And then you let strangers read it. What effect are you expecting? ALL thoughts. Thought = what I will eat, description for some reason I will eat a sandwich, not an egg.
Good idea and start. That's where the pluses end. Ordinary harem. Where every girl flows on MC's. The MC himself destroys everyone with a wave of his hand and solves all problems. There is an attempt to show character development. The attempt is very weak. MC from "killing is bad" to destroying cultivation in the real world. And you are lucky you are the parents of another harem girl. Otherwise I would have killed. And all this happens in ten chapters. Lots of water. Lots of text for the sake of text. Low grade erotic novel. The worst=The MC carries his harem everywhere with him. And this harem is ballast. He doesn't represent anything.
Normal. Chines. Novella. A lot of water. The character said a line, and half of the chapter explains it in detail. Explanation for a 5 year old child. @How strong these monsters are, and all mankind will perish. But the MC is cool, he doesn't realize he's cool.@ Logic is lost. MCs have skill hinders get closerto people. Your kingdom, a bunch of closest associates. And the family? She is far, dangerous to go. He killed 3 orders of sentient beings. He has a lot of mana and speed. As always. The MC gets everything he needs with no effort. The only effort. Go for a risky fight. Best skills? Take it, don't be shy. Artifacts - take. There was potential in the beginning. But he dissipated very quickly. It has become a long drawn out novel. With descriptions of banal things for hundreds of chapters. With eternal women in heat, and chapters about it. And other features of not the best Chinese novels.
Volume 1 is good. Very good. Volume 2- A lot of chapters, do not make sense. The author went along the path of the text, for the sake of the text. Lost dynamics. Volume 2 - a snail crawling in a small circle. The character development in Volume 1 . Volume 2- development canceled and stuck in place. They have become dumber.
Translation option - through the photo. Or in the phone, or a screenshot of the page, and insert into translators that support translation by picture.
There are no new chapters anywhere. We are waiting for the protection to be broken. Or site owners get a conscience. And something will be done with the translation.
Several chapters? The last 50-70 chapters. More than 10% of the novel. The chapters are boring. Bathroom, bed, everyday life.
There are still countries from the age of 14, there are many of them. 12 years - only a few countries, part of the states of Mexico, but there are subtleties of the law. As in Japan. Many people have been counted there since the age of 13, it's not that simple.
Find out the age of consent in the USA 1600-1900. Many states from 10 years old, no age difference. Was 7 years old, I don’t remember which state.
The construction of the world goes along with the plot. A ton of information is not poured on you, and it is forgotten. We learn about the world, together with the hero. I think this is the ideal approach.