I love reading and i love ..... i forgot. Author of the novel Return of the demon. Any issue contact me at idontknowwhattosay1009@gmail.com
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Not really
Sorry, but Song Hui is more of a mascot character. And I don't like writing long romance arcs, so the romance is only for one volume.
This is the author. Sorry about the typos. Unfortunately, I dont have anyone to proofread this back, and when I read the words, they automatically rearrange in my head.
The reason the cultivation system seems to be a mess is that it is complicated. On the novel's information page, I have given a link to a pdf that explains the cultivation system in detail. If you haven't read that before reading the novel, it will look very confusing.
Yes. its just that my laptop is not working and I don’t like writing on my ipad. it will probably be another week before I start writing again
Thank you. Happy new year to you too.
Thanks for pointing it out. Fixed it
Thanks, I missed a few typos