

2018-03-10 UnidoGlobal

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  • sean_robbins

    i figured i'd tell u that if ur following cannon time then it actually hasn't even ben half a year since they got there...

    Ch 26 First step and farewells
    RWBY: Dragon's Heart
    Anime e quadrinhos · Saeko_Kaburagi
  • sean_robbins
    Respondeu a Lord_Rimuru

    bugged rabbit!

    'It's because Shia has no actual combat experience outside sparing with Grayfia; compared to Rias, Kuroka, Grayfia, and Yue who all had been in several real fights before joining your peerage.' Alex realized the logic behind Lauren's explanation, especially since he himself had to work up experience before choosing his first job. He then explained the reason to Shia, who accepted it but was still confused on something else, her acquired titles. Alex once again dodged having that discussion until later, not wanting to explain the meaning behind them.
    God succession system
    Outros · Harry_Dresden
  • sean_robbins
    Respondeu a eksposivo

    in the manga she actually looks older the yue! like 14

    "I'd rather discuss how your daughter is able to do whatever it takes to peep at us at night, regardless of the measures I take to prevent it." Both Yue and Grayfia joined him in looking at the wife, also wondering the answer. No matter what measure they had taken, physically or magically, the innkeepers daughter Soona had somehow managed to peep on them at least briefly before Alex caught her. Personally since she was a girl he didn't mind the peeping, but it had turned more into game to see if he could keep her out.
    God succession system
    Outros · Harry_Dresden
  • sean_robbins
    Respondeu a eksposivo

    was she even in the anime? i feel like they edited her out...

    As the two busied themselves in their room, a female figure silently made her way towards the door hoping to spy on the action. She held her breath as she peered through the keyhole to see a couple figures moving on the bed. As she tried to focus however, she suddenly lost consciousness and collapsed on the floor. It was already morning when the girl's mother found her on the floor, passed out and foaming at the mouth, and shook her head at her daughter's behavior.
    God succession system
    Outros · Harry_Dresden
  • sean_robbins
    Respondeu a VOID_321

    to much work!

    "Dumbledore attacked us" said Harry quietly. "He injured Sirius and Cyrus and they're in the hospital wing. Daphne declared an honour duel and we won. I formally file a complaint against Albus Dumbledore for the attempted murder of the Heads of the Houses of Potter, Black and Greengrass."
    Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord
    Livros e literatura · Moon_Lord_
  • sean_robbins

    isnt that admitting he made the one for the cup as well?!

    With that, Daphne Greengrass disappeared. Albus Dumbledore's jaw dropped. How did she leave the grounds using a portkey? That was impossible because only he, as the Headmaster of Hogwarts could create portkeys that could enter and leave the wards. Nothing else would work. How had she done that? He extended his senses and scanned the area and found the residual signature of a portkey. He would have to analyse it and change the wards later so that no one could use a portkey at Hogwarts except him. Was it something to do with Harry's status as Godric's heir?
    Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord
    Livros e literatura · Moon_Lord_
  • sean_robbins

    so do u ever plan to go to negima?!

    Ch 572 Goddess of the Hearth
    God succession system
    Outros · Harry_Dresden
  • sean_robbins
    Respondeu a PrimalWhiteStar

    it should be

    "Several years" said Harry, looking at the shocked face of Daphne. "I know. Riddle didn't know about this and used some horrible rituals to enhance his body. Parseltongue ensures that your biochemistry isn't altered, that it is long lasting, and that there are no side effects. That's why it is considered a sacred language; well, outside Europe anyway. I'm glad I was able to remove the stigma associated with the language."
    Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord
    Livros e literatura · Moon_Lord_
  • sean_robbins

    since there already making so much money, they might as well make a magical orphanage

    Harry calmly entered the chamber with Sirius by his side and went to the chairs reserved for guests. He saw reporters from the Magical Daily, as well as a crystal suspend in the air. He smirked. He had made a huge killing from the sales of Miller's Magical Mirrors as he owned forty-nine percent of the business. Serena had taken Harry's advice and had adopted two children who were magical who were in muggle orphanages. He had checked up on them, and they were awed by magic and were clearly very happy in their new home.
    Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord
    Livros e literatura · Moon_Lord_
  • sean_robbins
    Respondeu a Myriad

    lol these were already cooked!!! with the special sauce as well!!!

    "Accio Hagrid's roosters" said Harry. The thunderbird patroni were flying around the dragon who seemed to be enjoying the company, but it was only due to the happiness and positivity being radiated from them that the dragon didn't attack them.
    Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord
    Livros e literatura · Moon_Lord_
  • sean_robbins

    i'm surprised dumbledore hasn't gotten rid of flitwik yet!

    "Mr Bagman I will need a copy of the Triwizard rules" said Harry quietly. "You can expect to hear from the Gringotts Legal Department soon. I think we're done here. Thank you for your help, Professor Flitwick. I greatly appreciate it."
    Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord
    Livros e literatura · Moon_Lord_
  • sean_robbins
    Respondeu a Ma_Se

    no. the Potter Gryffindor Slytherin thing is more along titles! but his name is just the potter one.

    Harry flicked his wand to his hand. "I, Hadrian James Potter" he said clearly, just as many gasped when they realised what he was about to do, and Dumbledore's eyes went wide as well. "do hereby swear on my life and magic, that I did not enter my name in the Goblet of Fire; did not attempt to enter my name in the Goblet of Fire; never asked anyone to put my name in the Goblet of Fire and finally never had an intention to take part in the Triwizard Tournament in the first place; I am being forced into this tournament without my consent and against my will; this I swear, so mote it be!"
    Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord
    Livros e literatura · Moon_Lord_
  • sean_robbins

    so how can u leave a message to his descendants if he's the last member?!

    I am Salazar Slytherin, the last member alive of this once noble family. I am about to go confront my adopted son, but before I do, I want to ensure that my true descendants would be able to access this place and know of their ancestor. If you're reading this, then Amarantha must have told you about this place. She assured me that she would tell her descendants one day about me hiding the Slytherin fortune and titles here in my chamber at Hogwarts. I hope the time is right for you to re-claim what is your right by birth.
    Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord
    Livros e literatura · Moon_Lord_
  • sean_robbins
    There was a knock on the door and Daphne entered the compartment. She gave Harry a quick kiss and proceeded to levitate her trunk to the rack above. Daphne too had developed over the summer. She was tall and stunningly beautiful, and some would probably have thought she was a Veela at first glance. Her deep blue eyes and rosy pink lips highlighted her already pretty face. Dark blonde hair with slight waves in them ran down to the middle of her back. Her breasts and curves had developed very nicely and boys couldn't help but stare at her when she passed by. The two were considered the best looking boy and girl in the school and Cyrus Greengrass had a right to be worried.
    Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord
    Livros e literatura · Moon_Lord_
  • sean_robbins
    Respondeu a Zuzu969

    yeah i'm pretty sure she gets made into one some time this year?

    Harry smiled and nodded. Finally, all of Voldemort's Horcruxes were destroyed. He only hoped that Voldemort himself was gone, but he held out little hope in that regard. He would have to face his destiny someday, and he would be ready for it.
    Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord
    Livros e literatura · Moon_Lord_
  • sean_robbins
    Respondeu a ThePrsn

    if someone leaves u, just because there gifts aren't good! then there no better then gold diggers and u just dodged a bullet!!!

    Elizabeth huffed. "That's what you've been telling me since we've been dating."
    Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord
    Livros e literatura · Moon_Lord_
  • sean_robbins

    and then the fire nation attacked!!!

    " – I declare you bonded for life."
    Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord
    Livros e literatura · Moon_Lord_
  • sean_robbins

    why only 10? at least go 100 at minimum!!!

    "For 10 years, I want her to become my servant for that duration. That is my only condition." Takumi declared, leaving everyone speechless.
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime e quadrinhos · Bronz_Deck
  • sean_robbins

    so 500 years isn't to long?!?!?!

    "Unfortunately it is not that easy as much as I would like it to be. It hasn't been too long since the last war and the Devil race is very divided, arranged marriages are buried deeply in Devil tradition, and if a New Satan like me broke up an arranged marriage of such magnitude between two large noble houses, it would lead to massive blowback from the more traditional houses and the old Satan faction. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that it could even cause another civil war that would for sure end the Devil race for good this time." It was an unfortunate truth, the Old Satans were looking for any and all opportunities to undermine the New Satans.
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime e quadrinhos · Bronz_Deck
  • sean_robbins
    Respondeu a HonoredOne


    "Unfortunately, you are right. Since you want to, I will cut to the chase. Are you aware of Rias' engagement to the Phenex Family's second son Riser?" Sirzechs bit back his slight irritation, Takumi was a valuable asset, incredibly valuable. He wouldn't want to aggravate him more for such a small thing. He was trying to recruit him here after all.
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime e quadrinhos · Bronz_Deck