I play genshin casually(i dont try hard for big pp damage) and im saving for Dehya.....cause mommy
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i mean....there's foresight, you could use elemental punches along with close combat. Aura should technically count as well...so i dont really think this is a problem especially when its a fighting type trainer on brunos level. they ought to have some miniscule amount of aura unlocked even if subconsciously with how often he tempers body and mind
does rihua go by the name karen.....it only clicked just now....the other dude is will and rihua is a girl his age that has a houndour...somewhat black personality
Thats just twisted logic at that point. I mean on technicality he also didnt deny he wasnt a 2 spirit penguin lesbian trans that loved smelly feet now did he. The only thing they ever had on him was the accusation of lance nothing else and even then, he just said think what you want. So that's all on Lance but an assumption based from an extremist doesnt exactly show trusthworty does it. And then will all the sh*t he be doing....on what basis does his action show he's team rocket? Because hunt down criminals😅? see the logic, thats just a fallacy of contradiction. That in itself should at least show he isnt team rocket but should be classified as a someone equally dangerous, talented lunatic maybe, but team rocket? from where?
if it can be forgotten than its nothing important
yeah! Exactly! and arron is an old woman thats a ground type elite 4 whoever said he isnt is lying
thats a lie!....look at xianyun, she tall even in her crane form
no.....i mean how exactly is gonna meet eula if he doesnt get reborn😅 Im guessing the author just waiting for this "life" to end then he gets reborn 1000 years later in eula's time or maybe something else possibly, who knows? i mean most of these simulations include at bare minimum 1 character he can interact with in the current timeline and aside from venti which i doubt is the character in this simulation because they only ever actually spoke to each other once