


You want good time, i give good time to you, Big Boy! Me love you long time you sexy man. Me want you all time long Big Boy! me f*ck u good time. sucky sucky five dowa!

2018-02-26 UnidoUnited States

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  • AsianLadyBoy

    Disney killed that franchise(starwars). If I was you author I would have the MC buy it before Disney does and make it better.

    He felt that Disney was making the heroes of the past super depressed.
    Hollywood What If
    Filmes · pujimaki
  • AsianLadyBoy

    if the story is in 1997 at the moment then Keanu is 33 years old. By the time you film it, he would be a year older. So I have no idea how you find 34 years old too young. Like, I get it. You feel like a "veteran" needs to be in his 40+ but you can easily just say that he was one of the best at it. I mean you're the author, you can easily change the story to make it so the character's age is 38. Then use makeup to make him look older and give him some white hair. Still love the story but I just found the excuse of him being too young to be a load of cr*p in my opinion. Here's an image of Keanu in 1997 on the red carpet of the Devil's Advocate movie. He doesn't look too young in that picture if you ask me.

    1.) Keanu Reeves looks too young to play an old veteran assassin.
    Hollywood What If
    Filmes · pujimaki
  • AsianLadyBoy
    Respondeu a Vishnu_S_8088

    That's not 1998 Keanu, that's more of a 1985 Keanu. Because he was 34 years old in 1998 when this film would be shot in the story.

    1.) Keanu Reeves looks too young to play an old veteran assassin.
    Hollywood What If
    Filmes · pujimaki
  • AsianLadyBoy
    Respondeu a Ballad

    He's not young at all since he was 34 years old in 1998.

    [Viggo Mortensen picture]
    Hollywood What If
    Filmes · pujimaki
  • AsianLadyBoy

    Man, your prices feel like we are scamming you, to be honest. since Most writers that use Patreon ask for $20 for anything above 50 chapters. If I was you I would ask $5 for 25 chapters $10 for 50 chapters, and $20 for 100+ chapters. That way people will feel like they are getting a deal at $20. But they technically are when you compare them to other patreons on Webnovel.

    [Author's note: For those who are interested in reading advanced chapters and want to support me, I have 112 advanced chapters on my Patreon. Honestly, that amount of chapters is quite a lot, but I want my supporters to feel like they are not being scammed, so they deserve 112 chapters. Guys, you help me pay the bills and feed my family by subscribing. I want to thank all my supporters and my soon to be supporters. You're helping me pay for my younger brother's college tuition.]
    Hollywood What If
    Filmes · pujimaki
  • AsianLadyBoy

    The only way this makes any sense is if the judge was bribed. But even then it still does not make sense. Because he had video evidence of his claims. Even before he came back from the past. He literally said in later chapters that he showed the footage and they still believed her. So he lost the house anyway. But no judge would risk losing his career over something so small like a divorce case.

    "Well, as the judge of this court. I must say that I believe all women because they are always right. Now, Mr. Kazir Grey, you must give Cassandra Hoecrap half of your savings. And you will give her the house. That's it, case closed."
    Hollywood What If
    Filmes · pujimaki
  • AsianLadyBoy
    Respondeu a sects_sex

    WW2 that's why, look up what Japan did to China and you will know why. FYI it was really bad. Yes, it happened a long time ago. But the Japanese government has not apologized for the atrocities they committed then.

    Tommy sat down on the sofa: "Don't those bastards understand that Asians aren't Japanese! They think the Japanese are causing their unemployment, so why not have the United States military go drop a few more atom bombs on Japan."
    America 1982
    Urbano · A spoonful of the past
  • AsianLadyBoy
    Person 1: "Hell **** Yeah, that dude is a hard as ***#* !" (that dude is a hard as motherfucker!)
    Sex System in Solo Leveling
    Anime e quadrinhos · MilkLover
  • AsianLadyBoy
    Bulma snorted, narrowing her eyes at me and reaching down to clasp her ass in both hands, "Suure they did," she drawled sarcastically, before she reached out and bonked me atop the head, "Like hell I'd believe that after what you just came out with a minute ago! Especially after you just spent a month with that perverted turtle hermit!"
    To Go Even Further Beyond (Dragon Ball Z)
    Anime e quadrinhos · 0_Jordinio_0
  • AsianLadyBoy

    You should have just done the cliche Chad MC with a harem. At least we would not get cringe a*s romance like this.

    "The moment you walked in, I seem to have found my pursuit in life, Miss. Sage" I didn't care if I sounded cringe or romantic. I just had to say the words I felt.
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime e quadrinhos · PyteWriter
  • AsianLadyBoy

    Out of everyone to have a crush on, you pick Sage? Dude, Sage looks like a 55-year-old mom who just became a grandma but she gets a lot of work done to not look too old.

    He manipulates his own people, even tampering with their memories but shouts morals when it comes to doing the same to his enemies. A lot of my dislike for the man comes from what he did to my crush Sage as well. Throwing a young mutant girl into the hellfire club to be his spy and abandoning her.
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime e quadrinhos · PyteWriter
  • AsianLadyBoy
    Respondeu a Morg535

    Sage is less than a C list character, shes more of a D- character. The majority of the "Marvel fans" have no idea who she is, to begin with.

    He manipulates his own people, even tampering with their memories but shouts morals when it comes to doing the same to his enemies. A lot of my dislike for the man comes from what he did to my crush Sage as well. Throwing a young mutant girl into the hellfire club to be his spy and abandoning her.
    MARVEL: Scientific Path
    Anime e quadrinhos · PyteWriter
  • AsianLadyBoy
    Respondeu a _asdfghjkl2021

    A lot of guys do, they just know it's never going to happen. They also know it's not going to be like it is shown in animes where everyone just lives happily together. If a guy knew his girls would all get along then they wouldn't hesitate.

    Ch 5 5. Exploring the System Shop.
    Hollywood: Head-Hunting System
    Filmes · TheRamenLord
  • AsianLadyBoy

    You fast-forwarded the parts that are fun to read and slowed the story down on the boring parts. If I was you I would go back and redo the beginning and slow it down a bit.

    Ch 5 5. Exploring the System Shop.
    Hollywood: Head-Hunting System
    Filmes · TheRamenLord
  • AsianLadyBoy
    Respondeu a TheRamenLord

    Don't worry, you got me at harem, I'm in!

    Helming Hollywood (Fanfic)
    Celebridades · Sayonara816
  • AsianLadyBoy

    Dam, you 100% pulled that number out yo as* lol. It's probably closer to $300 a year or $500 at most. Since it's only a high school, and the tuition for Harvard at the time was like $500 a year.

    Charles and Alex, aiming for the pinnacle of education, applied to Manhattan High School, a prestigious private institution with an annual tuition fee of $50,000.
    Marvel: The Gene Collector
    Filmes · Midnight_Wonder
  • AsianLadyBoy

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 1 01 - New Life
    Gamer Superstar
    Fantasia · NunuXD
  • AsianLadyBoy

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 1 01 - New Life
    Gamer Superstar
    Fantasia · NunuXD
  • AsianLadyBoy

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 1 01 - New Life
    Gamer Superstar
    Fantasia · NunuXD
  • AsianLadyBoy

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 1 01 - New Life
    Gamer Superstar
    Fantasia · NunuXD