If the author doesn't give 5 stars, then who will? Obvious to recommend your own stuff right? Right.
I'll be using this revieuw and the comment section as place to answer questions.
Just give it a try or bookmark it to binge it when the story has moved on a bit.
I'd like to say it's a great story.
But I think it's much more important to know what you think.
Leave a comment and I'll get back to you.
(Whether it's a question, a critique, a supportive message, trolling - I don't care - if you go through the effort of reacting, then I will respond!)
Thank you for your reply. It's been on hiatus for a long time and I'm honestly unsure if it will be continued. It's very hard to keep writing whilst keeping up with work, friends, family (social life) etc.
It's possible that in the new year I'll try my hand at a 'weekly' published web novel.
So I toon the bait and upgraded to supreme.. Just to be left on this cliffhanger. God of books have mercy . Now I need to contemplate buying the highest tier.