rule 1- kill em and leave no enemy roots to grow back. rule 2- double tap. rule 3- triple tap. rule 4- if they can they will, refer to rule 1. Rule 5- if she can kill you, you wife her.
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lucifer, and make him the mentor of the chatgroup/mc.
"aboslute hypnosis" quirk? Ik what kind of man you are author. Ik what kind of men you are readers. You all disgust me. I will not read this degenerate filth. BUT, 5/5 stars for the absolute audacity to write and read a story like this you fcking animals.
choice have consequences. This may be fanfiction, but the hint of realism gives it that edge. That hint of burning warmth that travels into your stomach when you drink whiskey. The scratching of your lovers nails on your back ( not that ik what that feels like cause I like reading fanfics on webnovel). This story just elevated itself in my eyes from good, to great. No harem for the win.
i believe you author, but i kind of wanna see the thumb for funsies. get better, get rest and take ur time healing. if ya get bored and feel like writing, google got that speech to text so u don't agitate something you shouldn't.
Hmmmm. Acceptable. I revoke my earlier promise to see you in hell. Although, read your bible, have faith in Christ and repent your sins so you dont end up in hell. Ave Christus Rex.
I will see you in hell to make good on my promise author.
author, ik u mentioned earlier that xunji is gonna die. But if you sacrifice the heartwarming interactions of jue, xue and bibi dong such that bibi dong kills him and ruin the heartwarming interactions between xue, jue and bibi dong then I promise u that when we both die I will find u in hell and ur gonna run me my fade along with that other bastard author who wrote a fic that turned eragon from artificer to bard and let saphira learn polymorph to fuck èragon.