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Ya some people math just weren’t matching ig
I feel like this story has a lot of potential but I personally feel that your bias against some characters I feel like if you wrote with someone editing and making some corrections it might actually be really good let me know if you want some help I’ m not the best but we could try.(I know this is a run on sentence😂)
Ayyy my boi went from 0 to a hundo nice love but check some of your spelling other then that it’ s great👌🏾
I love the premise of the story man keep it up just hope that the character isn’t OP you know and plz dont make hime a murder bot cause i kniw most people are like kill him or hers but like let chill with that last PLZ dont drop👍🏾👍🏾✌🏾
Loving the way the story is flowing right now so keep it up my hope is that you don’t try to make this story edgy like with an evil super boy so if could keep like the tv show and make not super dark but not all sunshine but other then that keep up what you’re doing my guy and pls dont drop the story👌🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Man I’m loving almost everything about this novel bro it had great plot cool characters the only bad this and it nit the worst but find an app or wensite that can edit your spelling and stuff like that cause other then that you’re AMAZING and plz dont dropp cause i will legit cry man😅😂😂😂👌🏾👌🏾
As a part of the male population I’ve never in my life been so scared a grouo of fangirls😅😅😅😅
Yo im loving what you’re doing but why make the MC look petty every time he is around zeus it low key kind if depressing how he offense other then that you’re 👍🏾👍🏾👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾
Your story is doing great so far man dont listen to the haters
Your story is low key **** up i mean what do you have against superman the dude is ONE of the best person to live in the DC universe.........