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Solely Chinese propaganda that severely detracts from the potential of the story line. makes it hard to get involved.
Honestly 80% of the story is just talking about or walking through popular games that exist in this world. I've played most of them, I don't need to read about people reacting to games I've played over 15 chapters. Not bad, just not worth it.
the story is routinely out of order, jumping around in the story with no rhyme or reason. the translator rewrites the story and does so extremely put of order so you pay not only for things that happen, but the. you pay again for the same content. 0/10
DONT GET SCAMMED AND U LOCK CHAPTER 80 Dropped it because the Author decided to charge us for his author notes which looked like a normal chapter. Not good enough to forgive getting scammed.
Can't give world background higher since the names changes every few chapters. sometimes a few times every chapter. a disappointment to say the least
Overall a very kind story. I appreciate the effort the writer put in but even 100+chapters in and it's only smooth sailing. would be cool to live. not so much to read
what about evil bob? don't tell me he exists too?
the story mentioned that silver ranked pranic beasts can be as smart as or in some cases smarter than humans. the zinger is described as an ape which use complex complex strategies to take down gold creatures. I'd say decently smart
primitive steel is easy to make. the vikings weapons were stronger since they threw bones of defeated enemies and animals into the forge as they were refining the iron thinking they could use the spirits of the desceased to empower their weapons. kind of worked since burning the bones released the carbon creating primitive steel.