yourself, a word that is used very commonly in the English language. It is a word used to refer to a person being addressed as the object of a verb or preposition. Hence, yourself has been described.
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He could make a multiplayer battle royale game for the government. Fortnite, Apex Legends or even Pubg could be good sources for D or C rank extracts. Some of the abilities from Apex or special moves from fortnite may even qualify for a high ranked extract.
Hey OP. A question. Will you only adapt video games or will you also try to adapt any anime, books or series as video games? vause I don't know if there are any games where your attacks cause continental or country level of damage, except for Asura's Wrath
Wishing you a great recovery my man. Hope you recover soon enough to write a bit. A lot of people are looking forward to reading this story you have written and are wishing you the best!!!
Thanks for the amazing Arc Steak. The buildup of the War and the final payoff was amazing. I can't wait to read the next chapters🤩🤩🤩🤩
We found the guy who made the moon
Oooooohhhghhhh. So that's how the next arc of Rui is going to happen. What is the next Age going to be called The Age of Calamity? The Age of Beasts?
God I hoped that I wasn't right. There truly is a being in the center of the Beast Domain that is horrifyingly powerful
I really do want to know how Edward convinced so many Sages and countries to go on a phyrric warpath towards Kandria.