wise person
de leitura
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kinda hard to believe, but then he is from slums and living in almost destroyed world.
You both are my police for finding trash novels from now on and save me from those type of novel.
Thanks to you im saved. Somehow webnovel these days pulling tonne of so so novels with same genre with one or two change. Some are good only in starting, after that you will understand that it going gutter road. and this novel likes to drop good novels in mid and almost all Top10novels are almost trash or completely trash.
Let's seehow he don't get himself cremated.
Nah its not. He just did what he thought was right. Just coz some retards have bone to pick doesn't mean he should stop his karma. Anyway they will be cremated soon too.
That i can agree with you. That's the reason that makes LOTM unique among unique kinda masterpiece.
Cultivator version of Tony Stark.
Mc Aura Reactivated
what if he go to previously destroyed places and search for same purple light? That would be dangerous and fruitful at the same time. and tbh i have hopes for this novel and i hope he does that and there has to be some other lucky guys like him too in past.