


Permanently in a semi-depressed state ... Sees the replies/likes inbox go over 1000 and i just say fck that im out

2018-01-08 UnidoSweden

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  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a Vansh_Sharma_6440

    "jet into you" there fixed your problem lol

    "Fuck, do I have to cauterize the wound?" Jacob cried out, "I think I'd rather see if I wake up by bleeding out. What did I do to deserve this shit? Thanks, Taylor Swift, because of your boring concert I'm stuck in this shitty dream."
    LOTR: I'm an Orc
    Filmes · Geisterlos
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a The_man_The_myth

    was gonna look for something funny ... but this was funny enough... I am like 100% sure I can let her get 10 free hits on me and I wouldn't flinch.

    "Maybe in my dream, I'm not even human, which would explain this weird skin color," he pondered. "That would be pretty cool. But hopefully, I wake up soon before my girlfriend notices that I'm asleep. Damn! I don't even want to imagine what I'll have to listen to."
    LOTR: I'm an Orc
    Filmes · Geisterlos
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a AnimeHolic

    more like he literally has no brain ... since the brain is fat.

    "Definitely still on drugs," is the only thought in his head. He sees a faint glow coming from a small cave passage. Slowly, he sits up and notices: "Wtf, I've grown. I feel a good two heads taller than before." Slowly, he turns his gaze to the rest of his body and is amazed by what he sees. He has become much more muscular, looking as if he's been doing calisthenics for years. Large, defined muscles adorn his body, not like a bodybuilder, but more like a Spartan, a warrior bred for war. Very defined with presumably 0.0% body fat. "Wow, I should have taken these drugs earlier..." he says to himself, "if only it weren't for the strange color of my skin, and I definitely need a pedicure."
    LOTR: I'm an Orc
    Filmes · Geisterlos
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a Promethee

    warcraft or dnd orc instead of lotr orc maybe.

    "Definitely still on drugs," is the only thought in his head. He sees a faint glow coming from a small cave passage. Slowly, he sits up and notices: "Wtf, I've grown. I feel a good two heads taller than before." Slowly, he turns his gaze to the rest of his body and is amazed by what he sees. He has become much more muscular, looking as if he's been doing calisthenics for years. Large, defined muscles adorn his body, not like a bodybuilder, but more like a Spartan, a warrior bred for war. Very defined with presumably 0.0% body fat. "Wow, I should have taken these drugs earlier..." he says to himself, "if only it weren't for the strange color of my skin, and I definitely need a pedicure."
    LOTR: I'm an Orc
    Filmes · Geisterlos
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a Solaris1267

    if he grabbed one of the landing wheel struts and Maeve the other they could have saved the plane... those parts can carry the weight...

    "Despite being the strongest hero in the world, probably being more than able to lift a small island if he wanted to," continued Maeve, "he never loses sight of who he is. And is constantly striving to be the best person he can be, not just for himself or for us heroes but for every single person out there. His tireless dedication to saving lives, his unwavering commitment to doing what's right, has always inspired me ever since I met him."
    The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!
    Anime e quadrinhos · Writing_Shirou
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Her eyes, a bright shade of sky blue, sparkled brighter than the finest jewels under the studio lights. Her long golden hair flowed down her shoulders like a waterfall of liquid sunlight, bouncing with her every step.
    The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!
    Anime e quadrinhos · Writing_Shirou
  • TrueImmortalDevil

    invisibility is pointless against a blinded opponent...

    Blindspot, taking advantage of his invisibility amidst the swirling light, managed to get within striking distance. He lunged forward, aiming for John's wrist that held War and Peace.
    The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!
    Anime e quadrinhos · Writing_Shirou
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a zappy_turtle

    yeah, was 389 before xD

    "Page 343..." He flipped the page, looking away from them momentarily.
    The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!
    Anime e quadrinhos · Writing_Shirou
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a Clay_Champion

    or as the author himself is

    Janemba launched another assault, his fists blasting out in a flurry of punches. Utilizing the formidable power of Spatial Warping, he relentlessly attacked Goten.
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Anime e quadrinhos · Clay_Champion
  • TrueImmortalDevil

    Buu gonna absorb Janemba?

    Although Janemba was indeed powerful, but it was absolutely impossible for it to let him have such uneasy emotions. He had a feeling that maybe a more powerful enemy might appear.
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Anime e quadrinhos · Clay_Champion
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a Doggos4Life

    meaning their soul will be destroyed.

    "Gohan, get ready for Fusion next," Goku instructed seriously. "You've seen the Fusion moves before, we only have one chance. Because after a Fusion failure, we have to wait for half an hour, and this half hour is enough for Janemba to kill us."
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Anime e quadrinhos · Clay_Champion
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a JohD_CT
    "Goku, Goten has denied my request," the voice of the Grand Kai echoed in Goku's mind. "He just said that people from the living realm should not interfere in the affairs of the Otherworld, and should let the people in the Otherworld solve it by themselves and let nature take its course. I'm really sorry, we can't help at all, now we can only rely on you to deal with Janemba!"
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Anime e quadrinhos · Clay_Champion
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a God_of_hentai
    "Hah!! Trash," the Old Supreme Kai first looked at Shin and Kibito with contempt, and then looked at Goten. "It's a mortal who rescued me, what a disgrace to Kaiōshin! But forget it, I'm already out… Since that little mortal can pull out the Z Sword, it looks like he has a lot of power!"
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Anime e quadrinhos · Clay_Champion
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a Kirozen

    or give to bulma

    "Of course, I'm quite confident it can help you defeat Majin Buu," Shin said confidently. "But since you're skeptical, let me help you test it!" He then raised his right hand lightly, and a huge metal cube appeared out of thin air. "This is the hardest metal in the universe. We can use it to test the durability of the Z Sword!"
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Anime e quadrinhos · Clay_Champion
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a BoNe_of_mY_SwORd

    I think this is actually the case...

    Once the commotion settled down, Piccolo finally interjected, "Didn't you guys realize? That kid, Goten, can survive in the vacuum of space. If I remember correctly, Saiyans don't seem to have this ability!"
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Anime e quadrinhos · Clay_Champion
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a Clay_Champion

    Sooo... afraid of Chichi?

    Right now, he really wanted to join the fight, to help Goten fight Broly.
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Anime e quadrinhos · Clay_Champion
  • TrueImmortalDevil

    well... he is a kid, so of course he looks like a kid.

    Broly was originally over two meters tall, Goten already looked like a kid in front of him.
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Anime e quadrinhos · Clay_Champion
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a LuciferFallenStar

    tbh Arabic Jesus is the closest to reality... but still not quite there...

    During this time, Goten's strength stabilized, reaching the mid-term level of a Super Saiyan II.
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Anime e quadrinhos · Clay_Champion
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a Kirozen

    OG Chichi is a selfish idiot. Sure, Goku is as well, but his selfishness saves the world.

    In the past, she was very repulsed by Goku and Gohan training, and felt that being a scholar was much more useful than being a fighter. However, the death of Goku and Gohan eight years ago finally woke her up to the reality of the world.
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Anime e quadrinhos · Clay_Champion
  • TrueImmortalDevil
    Respondeu a Alcula

    in Swedish too

    Goten clenched his fists tightly, speaking in a solemn tone, talking to himself. But at this time, Goten was no longer the original Goten from Dragon Ball. This was because the body of Goten had already been taken over by a person who had transmigrated from Earth.
    Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign
    Anime e quadrinhos · Clay_Champion