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Interesting! For a protagonist who's name after a legend. The way the author weave the story is very entertaining and funny. If you wish to read adventure try this.
interesting! I am imagining the next scene lol
ohhh heart breakers the kind of men your mother wants you to stay away from. I like to read these kinds of novels in a coffee shop then gnaw my fingers and giggle alone.
Oh my god! I'm a K-pop fan lol. it's been my fantasy to watch one of the concert. What if one of them messaged me? I'll sure will freak out hehehe. Good job miss author I can very well relate to the girls.
This story is under rated, it has a quiet good plot and interesting characters, her grammar may not be perfect but to a non English speaking person like me, I don't really care about the grammar. Story is over all great and is highly recommended.
Shame I ran out of passes lol. But this story is very interesting. Anna's struggle is real. The darkness the haunts her and her misery in that place.
As much as I wanted to disprove what that Sandra girl did to Halora, but sadly this happens in real life..tsk poor Halora, she suffered but good thing Baby Seb is there to rescue her lol..this book is awesome! can't help but relate...
This is getting interesting..
Nice plot! Nice twist from human to mouse. The story telling is flawless. If you need a roller coaster ride, this book is highly recommended.