


Just a guy that likes to read.

2017-12-18 UnidoUnited States

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  • Kurotora

    previously inedible *

    It wasn't ideal by any means but it was enough to survive and even thrive as Nick was always working on creating more fruit trees. The Zanpakuto really helped with the food as there was a few that had abilities to accelerate or enlarge plant growth. The most powerful of which was a weapon Zanpakuto however that turned the surrounding plantlife into the wielders absolute control. This meant that they could revert the previously edible plants back to that state which was a VERY valuable ability. Nick and the governing body of the territory all made sure that person was paid well for their services.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Livros e literatura · loskro
  • Kurotora

    anything, not only was a slow*

    Anyway this discovery of Zanpakuto spirit turned daedra bloodline ability conversion had Nick curious to see if he could mimic this process to a degree in order to artificially introduce new bloodline abilities in already born wizards. The reason he hadn't even considered doing so for muggles was that thanks to the knowledge he got from his newest crafting style turning a mundane soul into anything not was a slow and in most cases not worthwhile process. Previously when he tried to forcefully add magic to a nonmagical soul the creature died since they spawned magic in their bodies but had no way of releasing it.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Livros e literatura · loskro
  • Kurotora

    Celebrimbor had been allowed *

    One had to remember that these things were created for pure spiritual beings originally so a considerable amount of data was needed to adjust them for flesh and blood beings like wizards and muggles. Thankfully the creator of the style was a genius and had more or less made the things all inclusive so long as one had a soul. There was another change that came out of seemingly nowhere that had Nick celebrating. Celebrimbor had being allowed to leave Nicks mindscape by the system because it deemed Nick beyond his influence now.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Livros e literatura · loskro
  • Kurotora

    The latter of those*

    Zeus was a harsh master and enslaved those within his empire to build himself a grand palace as well as an army for conquering the rest of the world. That later of those was something that everyone agreed was not allowed however and Nick along with Dumbledore and Flammel sent saboteurs to destroy the military supplies on regular intervals. Zeus was helpless to stop it however as even if he killed these people they had signed up for this job knowing that it was a possibility so more would just take their place.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Livros e literatura · loskro
  • Kurotora

    planning to under go*

    The second suspicious point was that the system just so happened to give a daedra heart as a mission reward when he started planning to under the ritual of nature. Afterwards his own essence had taken on a daedric nature to a small degree as a result. His wand could be considered an actual coincidence since the system had no part in that and the celestial birds spirit fragment mixing with his race was a part of that. The final suspicious part was that out of the nigh infinite books that the system had he "happened across" the daedric book that explained how to bind a realm to ones self.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Kurotora
    Respondeu a Skeptical_Bookworm

    I didn't say they weren't powerful, just not as big a deal as Asgard. By that I mean you don't see the other pantheons mentioned as much as Asgard, just like the Olypians are the main pantheon you see mentioned in DC

    I still wasn't sure about what the greatest threats to myself were in this world. There were many options from Hydra and Thanos, to Demons and Olympian Gods.
    The Wanderer - A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction
    Outros · GodOfFreedom
  • Kurotora

    the great hall*

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Harry Potter: The Golden Viper
    Livros e literatura · FicFrenzy
  • Kurotora

    as Charms and Herbology*

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Harry Potter: The Golden Viper
    Livros e literatura · FicFrenzy
  • Kurotora
    Respondeu a 1Gwenpool

    doesn't negate the fact that he has no obligation who broke up with him

    Kage was then filled with guilty thought"I should have checked on her."He then heard a gun clocking as he turned around he saw it was Duke who was pointing pistol at him as Duke said"Please hand over the case."
    I Reincarnated In G.I Joe
    Filmes · Just_for_fun1997
  • Kurotora
    Respondeu a Abaddon_Steele

    Aang has a glider-staff not a club

    "Uhm, are you the one I'm supposed to meet?" I heard him ask. Opening my eyes, I saw a bald kid, a fifteen year old holding his club with both hands, eyeing me warily, and a girl.
    ATLA: An Impossible Task
    Anime e quadrinhos · Turtle034
  • Kurotora

    Helena and Lupin*

    This wasn't referring to their physical state but rather their mental one as save for very specific cases most muggles would grow bitter and angry about it as time went on. The really cruel part with Helena and Lupins situation though was that unless Lupin becomes a ghost himself he too will have a similar experience. Nick wasn't sure if Helena had thought about this before shacking up with the man but either way they would find out in time. Another interesting piece of news was that the merfolk had evolved after the ritual without anyone knowing and had shown themselves again in a less than pleasant manner.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Livros e literatura · loskro
  • Kurotora

    original name of the style should stay the same*

    Rather than deal with her bugging him all the time to figure out what he did and how Nick chose to just directly show her so that he could relax and craft in peace. This brings us back the the current moment when he was showing her the first crafting style he had , the Celebrimbor style. Technically the style could be renamed since according to the elf lord himself Nick had already transformed it from what it once was so it can't even be considered the same thing anymore. Nick refused to do so however as he firmly believed that the original name the style got stayed the name of it regardless of what it turned into so the original name stuck even now.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Livros e literatura · loskro
  • Kurotora

    the moment they tried*

    Speaking of that amount of time the next school year of Hogwarts was coming up in the next week and the ministry was starting to become problematic in that regard. See the ministry had finally had enough about not really having a say in the way the school operated and was now trying to force itself into the place. They did this by trying to have Dumbledore expelled as headmaster so that they could take control of the school but they were hit with harsh rejection they moment they tried.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Livros e literatura · loskro
  • Kurotora

    was standing at*

    Professor Lockhart hadn't come yet, and only Bryan was standing on the podium with a smile on his face, facing the noisy Gryffindor and Slytherin students who were sitting in distinct positions.
    Harry Potter: The Golden Viper
    Livros e literatura · FicFrenzy
  • Kurotora
    Respondeu a Vixdraconen

    🤣🤣🤣sounds about right

    "And the next matched two people with similar quirks with his bold words of rising to the top. Eijiro Ejirou steps in with his confident smile! Are those shark teeth or what? And his competitor, possibly his equal Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu! Do all hardening quirk people have sharp teeth or what?"
    To Become Unstoppable
    Anime e quadrinhos · LesserCodex
  • Kurotora

    first and second year *

    While the younger students in the first and second grades remained blissfully unaware of the significance of Valentine's Day, the middle and senior students understood the importance of this festival all too well. Love was in the air, and the castle was brimming with excitement.
    Harry Potter: The Golden Viper
    Livros e literatura · FicFrenzy
  • Kurotora

    Dark Arts Defense League *

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Harry Potter: The Golden Viper
    Livros e literatura · FicFrenzy
  • Kurotora
    Respondeu a Vixdraconen


    However, Bryan couldn't ignore the guilt he felt towards Lockhart and there were two reasons behind it. The first reason was quite obvious. Taking someone else's job without giving them any notice, especially when they were doing well as the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, was essentially taking someone's livelihood. Such behavior, to put it seriously, was highly unethical.
    Harry Potter: The Golden Viper
    Livros e literatura · FicFrenzy
  • Kurotora

    don't do it

    Inside the office, Bryan sat in contemplation, pondering his next move. He did not readily accept or decline Dumbledore's request, instead informing the Headmaster that he needed time to consider the matter.
    Harry Potter: The Golden Viper
    Livros e literatura · FicFrenzy
  • Kurotora

    Headmaster *

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Harry Potter: The Golden Viper
    Livros e literatura · FicFrenzy