


Hi! I love to read all different genres of books, with romance being my favorite!

2017-12-07 UnidoGlobal

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  • Jo53phD
    Jo53phD2 years ago

    Why is it constantly taking Damien multiple teleports to move anywhere?? Back when he was still in the dungeon, it was literally stated multiple times that his teleport range is SEVEN KILOMETERS. He already said he is going to stop holding back, what is the point of doing 10 short teleports as opposed to 1 long teleport. Obviously I think it’s because the author underestimated how strong 7 kilometers is so he subtly nerfed the ability by never showing it travel that far, with the exception of warp

  • Jo53phD
    Jo53phD2 years ago

    So again with the plot armor given to mc. Elena, who has been practicing for 7.5 years is sword mastery 6. A genius swordsman, who has been carefully nurtured and probably has innumerable teachers and people to spar with, has reached sword mastery 10 after 6.5 years. And that’s not counting the years of experience he probably had BEFORE mana appeared. Damien, no experience with a sword, no one to correct his mistakes, nothing to spar against and learn from, missing an arm, and using a broken sword is able to reach mastery 10 within 1.5 years. Yep. That makes total sense.

  • Jo53phD
    Jo53phD2 years ago

    Pacing is so weird. Author is losing track of his details. How does Damien think goblin king was 10th floor? He clearly climbed 10 floors down to fight the wolf boss who he devours for the first time. Why is he suddenly confused about the dungeons levels. Also, he fell down a dark hole with the wolf boss, and all that did was bring him down to the next floor? Seems like a very useless and unnecessary detail to add. Up til this point we assumed that hole brought him deep into the dungeon, skipping floors but now we learn he merely fell to the next floor which taking the stairs would have also accomplished. Seems like the hole is merely to copy arifuteta’s idea of Hajime falling down the bridge into the depths of the dungeon but the author simply either forgot about it or decided to ignore it.

  • Jo53phD
    Jo53phD2 years ago

    So for 6 years, no one has discovered sword aura, and yet the mc who has never mentioned having any sort of talent with a sword, surmises that sword aura comes at lvl 10 and he’ already lvl 8? Thats a massive leap in logic and just seems downright stupid. If you’re going to create sword aura, surely a genius swordsman would have discovered it within 6 years.

  • Jo53phD
    Jo53phD2 years ago

    Im sorry, I love this book but these last few chapters have been so hard to read. We get it. Despair, unease, nervousness, pale faces. Im not sure how the author manages to fit the word unease 20 times into a single chapter. It genuinely feels like I am reading the same paragraph over and over. People despair. Bear kills and eats. More despair. More killing, a tornado here and there. More despair. Like I get that this scene is supposed to be tragic but reading it, all I know is the word despair now. Like it just feels so unnecessarily padded out. I felt really sad for the people at first and thinking about zhou hao’s family, but they have yet to be mentioned and now I just can’t help but want these chapters to be over with.

  • Jo53phD
    Jo53phD3 years ago

    Haha i love the douluo dalu reference