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you give you mc omni-mastery and reality warping. Which means your mc should be at least a master with SAID RW. that means nothing in twilight is even a threat to your mc, and he could erase any negative consequence from even happening by changing reality with said RW. So why are you acting like any of this is a danger to your mc.
this author loves forcing the plot
this author is dumb bro. put his mc through scenarios that are completely unneeded and mc can in fact deal with it all with a snap like he is Thanos. but the author wants drama so now we have to deal with this dumb shit
none of this is worth your readers or mc's time. you are wasting words putting him in high school just like every other author
if you make him go, you are another worthless hack copying author.
so if someone outside of reality decides they can kill him with ease since reality and effect them outside and since they are outside it they can change said laws
she is wrong tho cause if it was against nature. Nature itself would keep it from happening completely no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
with the way you wrote your wish chap it indicates that he should have it already cause wish 1 and 2 happened immediately, so common sense and context clues make it so he should also receive wish 3 immediately. if you did not want me to make this assumption you need to specify in said wish chap. otherwise people will call you on your stuff.
according to the way your wrote it author. he does infact have the immunity you have just chose to look over that fact so do not lie to cover your butt
the author sucks he give his mc magic immunity so Daliha literally can't do anything to him. he could have walk up to her while faking it and just stab it in the heart. the only reason this didn't happen was the author wanted an excuse to keep her in the story which is dumb as shit cause she is unneeded at all