The Girl From His Yesteryear
Her....why was it her?
He stared at the slender figure, that small back facing him. Her soft brown curls cascaded down her tiny shoulders in waves. He seemed to be frozen in time as he stood there silently, entranced by her presence.
After a moment, she felt his intense stare, turning her head around to look at who was looking at and upon spotting him, she immediately froze. He knew that she had recognized him. Her mesmerising eyes that resembled pools of liquid chocolate were soul-sucking and rendering him of his speech even though they were surprised. Her cherry lips quivered slightly in shock and her dainty hands that was clutching upon a stylish Coach purse trembled ever so faintly.
Both of there were stood there like statues, neither party moving as their brains worked furiously to process the new and information.
She looked as good as the day we first met. That was the first thought that passed through his mind. That delicate features was now layered in light makeup, emphasising her enchanting look.
What followed after was a bout of heart wrenching pain, as memories of the yesteryear started to rapidly resurface.
A couple silhouetted by a setting sun, cuddling tightly together in the frigid winter wind. Slowly their faces moved closer together, driven by a different kind of heat. Their lips finally inter locked, they were unaware of their cold surroundings. Unaware of the soon to be man whose heart was slowly shattered that fateful evening.
sunsetraven · Geral
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